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Monday, July 29, 2019

Feel Forgiven

“Let us go right into the presence of God with sincere hearts fully trusting him. For our guilty consciences have been sprinkled with Christ’s blood to make us clean” (Hebrews 10:22, NLT).

        “I’m tired, Jesus, and my mind has no peace. There is so much that I don't understand, and I’m convinced that I need to do something in order to feel your love. I need to pay for my sins. I need to prove to you how sorry I am. You say that I’m forgiven, and that there is nothing I have to do to win your love. I long to believe that, but I just can't grasp it. I know that I should have enough faith to trust you. But everything has overwhelmed me.”

        “Child,” He whispers, “I am here. Choose to place your trust in me. In the midst of all the pain, of all the questioning, of all the wandering of your mind, choose to believe me even though you may not feel it. I don’t condemn or judge you. I don’t seek out your sins! They are no more. I died to set you free of the lie of any condemnation. Don't allow your mind to believe that lie. Don’t run from me. Run to me! Your mind is bombarded with all kinds of thoughts that are not from me. I will take care of all the concerns of your mind and heart. There is rest in me. To rest in me means that you know you are safe in me. It means you trust my love for you and that you choose to dwell on my love instead of the lies of the enemy that claim your mind. You must see those lies for what they intend to do, and that is destroy your belief in my unconditional love for you. Those lies are sent by the enemy to rob you of my peace and joy. Choose to believe me. Say you believe me even if you don't feel it. Just like I gave you the freedom to choose or reject my salvation, you now have the freedom to accept or reject the revelation of grace I long to show you. Come into my presence fully trusting me! Your guilty conscience is no more! It is washed clean by the gift of my blood for you. I am always with you, and you need to believe it.”

        “Lord Jesus, I choose to believe you! I might not feel it at this moment, but I put my trust in you. I choose to shut down the terrible thoughts that say I must win your love. I choose to believe in what your Word tells me—that you died to give me your righteousness and you have no reason to punish me! I am forgiven! I can have perfect peace when my mind stays focused on you. I rebuke the enemy, and tell him that he is defeated. He can’t lie to me! You are my Savior and my protector.  I praise you, Lord Jesus, again and again—choosing to believe that the lies of the enemy will be silenced.”

        “Oh my child, the moment you realize you owe me nothing is the moment those lies are silenced. Your sacrifice of praise releases my healing in your life. You shall know in the very depths of your soul what you have chosen to believe the truth of my grace. And you shall not only know you are forgiven. You shall also feel it in the depths of your heart.”

© 2019 Lynn Lacher

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