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Tuesday, July 23, 2019


Remember those in prison, as if you were there yourself.
Hebrews 13:3 (NLT)

Lord, I remember what it is like to be imprisoned by the lies of the enemy. I recall the feelings of fear—of guilt and shame that plagued my mind and terrorized my heart. I remember that only you could reveal your heart of love to me. Only you could breakthrough with the real message of your Grace. Only you could set me free. No one else but you could free me. And you did! You opened my eyes, Jesus! And you revealed that you had already set me free the moment you gave your life for me. In that moment of ultimate sacrifice, you imparted to me all the resources I need to live in peace of mind and heart. You gave me your righteous life so I can be free of feeling that there is something I must do to be right with you. Thank you, Jesus, for opening my mind and heart to understand that I am free! I am accepted! I don't have to walk around fighting to be good enough. You, with your precious love, have given me a new life. 

Now I see others who battle to understand your loving Grace. I see others in the darkness of mind and heart—those with feelings of inadequacy and fear that there is something they must do to be perfect and win your love. They are in prison. You tell me that I cannot fix them or save them or convince them. Only you can. You tell me to remember them in their torment—in their prisons of fear as if I were still there myself. So I do. I remember them in prayer—in groanings of spirit to spirit— that only you understand. And I know you hear. I know you shall open their eyes to see beyond what the enemy has told them is real and believe in the truth of your love—in the revelation of your Grace.

Are you in prison? If you are, you are free and don't know it. The tomb is empty! The door is open! Come, my friend!

© 2019 Lynn Lacher

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