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Monday, February 15, 2021

Unwrap Your Present

But you are not in the flesh but in the Spirit, if indeed the Spirit of God dwells in you. Now if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he is not His.

—Romans 8:9 (NKJV)



When Jesus becomes your Savior, you are no longer identified as flesh. You are now of the Holy Spirit. The redeeming and all-powerful God lives in your spirit, which has been born again by the precious blood of Christ. He doesn’t live on the outside of your body but inside of you. The Holy Spirit identifies you as God’s own. And He gives new life to your spirit.


“That which is born of the flesh is flesh [the physical is merely physical], and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit” (John 3:6, AMP). 


The flesh is only physical. It can’t give you a right-standing with God. The flesh will wear you out and drain you dry. The physical eventually ends in death, but the Holy Spirit gives life. What God speaks through His Word is of the Spirit. These are Words are Truth, and they are life!


“It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing. The words that I speak to you are spirit, and they are life” (John 6:64, NKJV).


You have already received the indwelling power of the Holy Spirit. But to know what this means, you must be changed in your mind by the renewing of God’s life-giving Word. Don’t be CONFORMED to man’s opinion that regards what is seen and felt as Truth. Be TRANSFORMED in your thinking to believe the unseen Truth God has given you. Until you believe what you have received from God, you won’t know and live in the freedom Jesus has given His life for you to possess,


The spiritual realm that lives within you—the one you might not even realize—is more real than the physical realm you live in. Not knowing who you are in Christ is like having the best gift in the world and never bothering to unwrap it. 


We yearn to experience the freedom of His peace. We already have it and don’t know it. The peace of God lives within your spirit just waiting to calm your mind. The promises of God in His Word just wait to be known. The Truth of God’s Word is appropriated by faith. Without applying faith, you can’t draw from the well of His Spirit within you. This is how you receive an understanding of the fullness of His Grace that you have received in your born-again spirit.


The Gospel of Grace is the power of God for our complete redemption—our wholeness of spirit, soul, and body—where we live in the promise of forgiveness and healing and the provision for every need.


God-in-the-flesh humbled himself and came to earth, taking our disgrace and shame, unconditionally giving us His righteousness, and made us one with Him. The Gospel of Grace is not that you serve Jesus and die FOR Jesus. The Gospel of Grace is that Jesus served you and, taking your sin, died AS you. Then He rose from death to life AS you. So you can be AS He is. 


Drink from the well within that never runs dry. Feast on the manna of manifest Truth He continually pours from His Word. Learn in your mind the new person you have been made in your spirit until you believe it in your heart. Walk by faith and not by sight. You will experience the Truth of what your eyes haven’t seen. 


It is time to unwrap your present.



© 2021 Lynn Lacher

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