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Thursday, February 22, 2024

In Him


These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.”

—John 16:33


Jesus said we would have tribulation in this world. He did not say He was the one bringing it. Jesus said He was the one who had overcome it—and that in Him we would have peace. Jesus also made the incredible statement that in the midst of tribulation, we were to be of good cheer.

The world has joy and happiness which is directly proportional to its circumstances. Bad circumstances produce sadness and fear, while good circumstances produce joy and peace. Our peace and joy are not dependent on the things of this world, but, instead, on the love of God revealed to us in Jesus. Jesus is the author of our peace. And it is only “in Him” that we will experience it.

Being “in Him” is having an intimate relationship with the triune God. Having a close relationship with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit is necessary to experience Jesus’ peace that has overcome tribulation. Only in a relationship with God can we experience His heart of love for us.  


The Father provides comforting security and perspective. He created us for Himself, and He is the guardian of our souls. The Holy Spirit is the revealer of comfort and perspective. He shows us the Father’s heart. He shares the insight and mind of the Father and the words of Christ. Insight, wisdom, and truth are opened to us when we ask. Right out of the heart of God comes His unconditional love that died for us. Jesus is where the love of God is proven to us. It is where we are validated and approved. In the Word, we also see Jesus being human like us. We may love our families but Jesus loves them more than we ever could. He was the One who deliberately laid down His life for all of us. No other love compares to His. In Jesus, we can find unwavering peace and confidence because His sacrifice has already accomplished everything. 


It is Jesus who gives us peace with the Father. Our relationship with Him is where we sit with the very Prince of peace. When we are in this place “in Him”, we are in peace. No other place offers us this kind of intimacy.


Jesus overcame the world. However, we see unrest, aggression, hatred, and sin. We see fallen man, separated from God, and hostile to the things of God. When we believers operate in love, peace, and truth, we will experience this kind of hostility because Satan sees our very existence as a threat. Satan knows we have the victory and tries to deceive our understanding. Hostility may not be conquered in the world, but Jesus has conquered hostility inside of us. 


Every hostile thing that separated us from God was nailed straight to the cross. The charge of sin against us—its tormenting shame, fear, and self-condemnation—was crucified, dead, and buried with Jesus. You can be of good cheer. You are risen in new life. Jesus has overcome your world.


“Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ” (Romans 5:1).  This verse offers a comforting truth. Since Christ has justified us—validated and proven us righteous to the Father, we, therefore, have peace with God.


The more I have grown through the years in my knowledge of the Lord, the more I find myself rushing back to the relationship where I receive comfort, perspective, truth, wisdom, insight, and love. There is no better place we can go to receive heavenly help and counseling and to be reminded of what is ours in Christ.


In this world, we will have trouble, but intimacy in a relationship with the Lord is where we stay in peace. Intimacy is where we find grace extending peace each and every time. 


“Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you” (Matthew 7:7).


We just need to open our hearts to receive.


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