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Monday, February 5, 2024

Never Put Out His Fire


Quench not the Spirit.

—1 Thessalonians 5:19



Have you ever felt the Holy Spirit leading you to do something, but you were afraid to do it? Even though you knew it was Him, did you refuse to do what He asked? 


God’s love chose you. You are a part of His purpose. The Holy Spirit desires to use you to accomplish His plans. Don’t let the enemy or a spirit of fear talk you out of experiencing the joy of the Spirit using you. Don’t quench the Spirit in your life.


The word “quench” in I Thessalonians 5:19 comes from the Greek word “sbennumi,” which means to extinguish, smother, douse, or put out. Think about how you extinguish a fire by dousing it with water. Sometimes, this Greek word for “quench” is used in the context of “evaporating or drying something up.” Something good God wishes to accomplish in you evaporates and dries up when you quench the Holy Spirit. 


Your fears and anxieties—the things you do—and your disobedience to the Holy Spirit all frustrate God’s plans for your life. The Spirit is willing and prepared to give you an undertaking, but when you ignore Him, you deny God His right to use you. Initially, you may only dampen His plan in your life by throwing a little water on His fire, but eventually, as you continue to refuse Him, you throw more and more water on His fire. And you will extinguish it. 


My friend, has the Holy Spirit been speaking to your heart? Has He lovingly called you to do something? Have you obeyed His voice or have you stopped listening to Him?


The Holy Spirit speaks to you all the time. Be still and know He is your God. When He asks you to deny your fears and follow His leading, listen to Him! Never rebuke His voice! Never turn from His guidance. Don’t pass up an opportunity for the Holy Spirit to work in you and through you! Don’t end up throwing water on His fire until you quench Him!


Instead of shutting your ears and putting out the fire of the Holy Spirit in your heart, how about surrendering to Him?  Tell Him that you will do whatever He asks, and follow through by doing it. When you obey Him, He fuels His purpose, and His fire burns more passionately in you.


The main reason we don’t obey the Holy Spirit is the fear of what might happen or what might not happen. Stepping out in faith is trusting the power of the Holy Spirit over our human inadequacy. God sent Him to give us a revelation of wisdom and knowledge of His purpose in our lives. He never leads us to do something wrong or to do something that will wound us. He never fails us. When we step out in faith to do whatever He asks, He faithfully empowers the work we do for Him.


The Holy Spirit won’t force you, but He will continue to ask. Don’t throw water on His fire. Choose to obey whatever the Holy Spirit guides you to do. You will experience Him doing incredible things as you continually obey His bidding. He will use you to set people free from the lies and strongholds that have bound them. He will open their spiritual understanding to the truth of His Word and bless their lives with the fullness of His grace. You, also, will know freedom from any bondage. You, also, will receive greater spiritual understanding. In becoming fuel to His purpose, you will experience the overflowing joy of knowing He has worked in you and through you. He has used you to His fullest!


Don’t refuse Him, my friend. You will miss out on His power working His greatest potential in you. When you obey Him, God does exceedingly and abundantly more in and through your life than you can ask or think. 


Never put out His fire. Allow Him to fuel His purpose in you. 




Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you completely; and may your whole spirit, soul, and body be preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. He who calls you is faithful, who also will do it.

—1 Thessalonians 5:23-24




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