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Monday, February 19, 2024

Waiting on the Lord


But those who wait on the Lord
Shall renew their strength;
They shall mount up with wings like eagles,
They shall run and not be weary,
They shall walk and not faint.

—Isaiah 40:31


Waiting on God is not waiting for Him to move or to serve us. God has already moved and served us by sending His Beloved Son into the world to perfectly redeem us. By grace through faith in Jesus, God Himself has moved and come to dwell in us. God’s love that came to serve us lacked nothing, and out of His fullness, we have received. Hence, we lack nothing. Such an incredible love that we have received calls for our response. Waiting on God is serving Him and being attentive to His needs just as He was attentive to ours in sending Jesus. It is drawing by faith upon His fullness within us. Our account in Jesus is full. God has given us every spiritual blessing in heavenly places. His fullness in us is just waiting to be drawn upon and invested in our lives. 


Waiting on God mounts you up on wings like eagles. An eagle soars on currents of air without flapping its wings. It flies on the wind, not of its own strength, and therefore can ride air currents for hours with little or no effort. Those who wait on the Lord are like an eagle, moving in the flow of the Holy Spirit and not their own effort. They are able to serve stronger and outlast those who serve on their own strength. The work they do endures and stands the test of time. Those who do not draw upon the Holy Spirit within themselves trust in their own strength and ability. They will not soar through hardship. They will give up. Instead of being established on the rock of what they have received in Christ, they are built on sand that washes away. 


As we seek the Lord and look to Him for all our needs and our direction, He will replace our human strength with His supernatural strength to endure and not grow weary. This is not a just one-time thing. You must continually be filled with His power.  You must continuously draw upon the fullness of God that is yours in Christ. The verse just previous to Isaiah 40:31 states that the youngest and strongest will faint. But those who look to the Lord for their strength will never fail. They will draw on the limitless strength of the Lord. The Lord has already moved and served us. He has already provided. We must draw from His complete and unlimited supply—the new full life in our spirit—His well just waiting to spring up within us. 


Samuel told Saul that God loves obedience more than sacrifice. There is no need for a perfect sacrifice anymore. Jesus made Himself the perfect sacrifice for us because we could not do it for ourselves. Jesus’ obedience to His purpose is the fuel that powers our obedience to serve God.


You can prime a well with your own human strength. Water will come for a while, but it will not last. It has to be primed again to flow. When your new life in Christ is primed by faith in the perfect sacrifice of Jesus Christ on your behalf, it will flow and last. Its work will endure and stand strong. 


In obedience, submit to God what you consider your own ability and strength. Submit to Him what you consider your weakness and inadequacy. It is in your willingness to humbly submit to God you receive more grace from Him. When you wait on Him and serve Him in the power of the Holy Spirit, you have no need to prove what He has already proved. You have no need to gain what He has already gained. You are serving Him out of the fullness you have received because He became the perfect sacrifice for you.


Wait on the Lord;
Be of good courage,
And He shall strengthen your heart;
Wait, I say, on the Lord!

—Psalm 27:14


God has already moved and provided. His love that served you calls for you to serve Him. But you can’t serve Him in your own strength. Don’t be discouraged. Your account in Jesus is full, just waiting to be drawn upon. Draw by faith upon the well of God’s truth that is yours in Christ. Draw upon all you have received from Him. If you wait on the Lord and serve Him in the strength of the Holy Spirit, your heart will be strengthened. His work in and through you will be greater than you ask or think. He is faithful to perfectly perform His Word in you. 


“It is God who arms me with strength, and makes my way perfect” (Psalm 18:32).


© 2024 Lynn Lacher


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