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Friday, August 9, 2024

A Life of Intimacy



The Word was with God, and the Word was God. And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us.

John 1:1,14a





If you desire an intimate relationship with God, you must spend time with Him and learn who He is in your life. The Word is God becoming human so that you may have an intimacy with Him that is beyond anything you have previously known. The Word isn’t just a book. It is Jesus. 


God invites us to know Him by developing a vivacious and ever-increasing relationship with Him through the Word. Getting into the Word may seem overwhelming, but God has given us the Holy Spirit to help us and lead us into all truth (John 16:3).


God fervently desires a close relationship with you. The enemy will attempt to make God seem distant and standoffish. He says things like, “You can’t really know God or what He will do. He doesn’t care about your issue.” Yes, He does! Where once God's love for you was hidden because of sin, He is no longer hidden from you. You are His! You can know Him intimately. The enemy’s lies go on and on. His lies keep you from drawing close to God. Why would you want to develop a relationship with someone who is uncaring and inconsistent and who you aren’t sure how he is going to respond to you? You can’t trust God if you are worrying if He is angry at you. If you are uneasy in any relationship, you guard yourself. It is the same in your relationship with God. If you are uneasy with Him, you hold yourself back. You walk on eggshells. You become careful not to offend Him because you aren’t sure how He is going to react to you. 


If you don’t know how God relates to you, you have no way to identify the enemy’s lies. The only way to know God’s character and how He relates to you is in the Word. You will discover God loved you first. You will find out that love is His character, and that everything He has done for you comes out of His love poured out on the cross.  He gave you His very best. Your best is knowing who He is in you and receiving His love in every area that needs healing. Then serving Him will flow out of your life. Then you will love others as He has loved you. Not knowing what God has done for you is not allowing Him to love you. He never denies loving you. Don’t ever deny loving Him.


You don’t need to have an emotionally charged roller-coaster relationship with the Lord, wondering how He will respond to your sin, problem, sickness, pain, or loss. His Word makes it clear that He loves you today, He loves you right now, and He loves you into eternity. God already responded to your need at Calvary. How you respond to His love is your choice. He has served the ball, and it is in your court.


God’s Word is not a “someday” book. It is a “today” book. Reading the Word with a “someday” attitude has the potential to give you a legalistic mindset—one that says you can never be good enough for God to love you or you can never understand His Word.


Don’t read the Word with a “someday” attitude. Today is His day, and He wants to bless you with His benefits right now. 


“Blessed be the Lord, who daily loads us with benefits, the God of our salvation. Selah” (Psalms 68:19)! 


Selah means to pause and contemplate this!


Jesus has already loaded you with the benefit of His righteousness. The daily blessings you receive from this truth are numerous. Do you know what they are and how they change your life?  Receive this truth and resolve to get into the Word. Start right now developing an intimate relationship with the One who loves you without condition, hesitation, or change. 


God has been His most intimate with you. Be your most intimate with Him. Live a life of intimacy by choosing each day to go deeper into your relationship with Him. He is the Word. Spend time with Him. There is something special in that relationship that is just for you.


“I will meditate on Your precepts, and contemplate Your ways. I will delight myself in Your statutes; I will not forget Your word” (Psalms 119:15-16).

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