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Monday, August 5, 2024

Stay the Course

Be instant in and out of season.

—2 Timothy 4:2


As a young pastor, Timothy was given the responsibility of the church in Ephesus. Paul’s first letter to Timothy shows that this was a time of prosperity and growth. It was an exhilarating season for Timothy to oversee the church.


By the time Paul wrote his second letter to Timothy, the church in Ephesus was experiencing increasing trouble. Nero had become the Roman emperor, and his madness was devastating. Ephesian Christians often endured Roman persecution in an effort to make them abandon their faith. Many died. Not only did Timothy have to deal with believers leaving the church, but he also had a growing rebellion among many in church leadership.


Timothy wrote a letter to Paul explaining what was happening. Paul’s responded with his second letter to Timothy. Paul told Timothy to remember that he was to “preach the word, be instant in season and out of season” (2 Timothy 4:2).


The word “instant” is the Greek word “epistemic,” which means to “set upon, set up, to stand upon, be present” (Strong’s Concordance). God had given Timothy this assignment. Paul wrote to Timothy to “stand upon and be present” to keep his assignment. 


Timothy’s assignment was to oversee the church in Ephesus. He had to maintain a strong vision and impart it to those under him in leadership positions. He had to teach and preach the Word, address problems, and bring correction when necessary. It was no one else’s assignment. It was his. 


In 2 Timothy 4:2, The words “in season” come from the Greek word “eukairos.” The prefix “eu” means well or good. “Kairos” means “time.” “Eukairos” denotes a “good time.” The words “out of season” come from the Greek word “akairos.” The Greek prefix “a” places a negative value on the word it precedes. “Akairos” denotes a “bad time.” (New Testament Greek Lexicon).


Even though the times were extremely wearing and frightening, Paul pressed Timothy not to give up. When he told Timothy to “be instant in season and out of season,” he was really telling him to take a firm stand, stay the course, and endure to the end. Whether times were good or bad, this was his assignment and responsibility. Now was his time to dig in and determine to be faithful.


Paul’s words are just what Timothy needed to stand firm and remain faithful to his assignment. During the years that he served as the overseer of the church in Ephesus, Timothy experienced good and bad seasons, but he kept his assignment until the end. Eventually, the bad seasons passed, and Timothy became the respected leader of Christians throughout Asia Minor.


I’ve given you all this background on Timothy to ask you something. 


What assignment has God specifically given you? What kind of season are you going through right now? Is it a good season? Or are you experiencing an extremely difficult time? Good seasons are wonderful. Enjoy them. But what are you going to do in the hard seasons? Will you remain steadfast and faithful?


God has “set you” in your assignment. He has dispatched and posted you there. Never turn away from your post. Never run from what God has assigned you because of fear of opposition or failure. Don’t seek anyone else to take your place. God called “you” to this assignment. Now dig in, stand firm, and resolve to be faithful no matter what comes.


The bad times will one day pass. It would be terribly sad if you gave up and sacrificed everything you have gained for the sake of a few bad times. You would miss the wonderful exceedingly abundant outcome God has for you! You would miss the joy and respect that Timothy eventually received!


Jesus is in you, my friend. He will give you all the strength you need to stand firm and remain faithful. He will do His part, but only you can do your part and remain faithful to your assignment. 


Determine not to move from the place Jesus has called you. The enemy and circumstances may try hard to make you move but determine you will not flinch. Resolve that you will not budge. You will stand firm and not move from the place where Jesus has asked you to give your heart. 


This is the place God has given you to prosper in His Kingdom! No matter the hardship, no matter the words spoken against you, stay the course. This is the ground where you dig in and make your stand. 


“He who calls you is faithful, who also will do it” (1 Thessalonians 5:24).


You stand firm in every way to fulfill His purpose. He does the work in and through you. Faithfully keep on sowing into the Kingdom, and one day the harvest will come. You will receive His blessings. You will have kept your assignment. You will have kept the faith. You will hear, “Well done, good and faithful servant.”


“I have fought the good fight,” Paul wrote just before his imminent death. “I have finished the race, I have kept the faith” (2 Timothy 4:7).


Fight the good fight! Keep the faith! Lay aside every weight! Run the race with patience and perseverance (Hebrews 12:1)! God has so much for you, my brother and sister in Christ. 






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