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Thursday, August 8, 2024

God’s Unique Insight





If you desire to receive the guidance of the Holy Spirit, having spiritual wisdom and revelation in understanding what God wishes for your life is imperative. Paul’s prayer to the Christians in Ephesians 1:17 is an important Word to apply.


“That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him” (Ephesians 1:17).


In Ephesians 1:17, the word “wisdom” comes from the Greek word “sophias.”  It describes an insight that is not naturally attained. In other words, this is not man's natural wisdom. This is a unique insight. 


In this same verse, the word “revelation” comes from the Greek word “apokalupsis.” It signifies something veiled for a long time and then suddenly, almost instantaneously, it becomes visible to the mind’s eye. That moment you see beyond the veil for the first time and perceive what has been there all along but not evident to you is called a revelation. 


The spiritual truths we now understand have always existed in the realm of the Spirit, but at one time, they were hidden from us. The time had not yet come for those truths to be revealed, so they had remained hidden from our sight, even though they had always existed. But our minds instantly saw and understood once the right time came and the Holy Spirit removed the veil that hid that truth. When this occurred, we received a revelation.


Think of a time when you suddenly saw something in the Word you had never seen. That truth had always been there, but it had been hidden from your sight. Then, unexpectedly, one day, it jumped off the page and came to life. You saw it, and you understood it. You had a revelation.


Spiritual truths are hidden until the Holy Spirit reveals them to us. Paul prayed for God to give the Ephesian church “a spirit of wisdom and revelation.” The Ephesians Christians needed wisdom (and so do we) beyond their human understanding. He asked God to give them a unique insight. Then, he explained what he meant by adding the word “revelation.” This is the incredible moment when you see what you have never seen. The veil is suddenly gone, and you are enabled by the Holy Spirit to see what you could never see by yourself. The truth that was always hidden is now seen and understood.


The Ephesian Christians were not smart enough (and neither are we) to figure out their lives, so Paul prayed for God to give them a unique insight into His knowledge. He explained that this kind of wisdom could only come through a revelation, and only God could provide them with the wisdom they needed. 


Are you looking for direction right now? Pray this prayer in Ephesians 1:17 for your own life. Ask God to give you “a spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him.” God has all the answers you need—answers you will not find with your natural reasoning. They are not as far away as you might think. In one moment, He can remove the veil that has kept you in the dark and help you see clearly what you need to understand. 


“If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him” (James 1:5).


Ask Him. He wants to help you. He doesn’t withhold His insight from you.




Lord Jesus, I ask you to give me the insight and wisdom I need for this time in my life. You have so much for me to know that I don’t know. You have answers, but I can’t find them without you showing me. I need you, Holy Spirit, to give me understanding. You say if I ask, it will be given to me. I ask right now that you take away the veil that has blocked my vision. Unveil yourself to me. Open my eyes to see exactly what I need to know. Give me a real revelation about my life, this issue that is before me, and the truth I need.  


In Your Name, Jesus, which is above every name and this issue before me, I pray. I shall receive.




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