In the midst of all
the pain, of all the questioning, of all the wandering of my mind, I will trust
you, Lord. You don't want my mind to wander, and yet often it does. You want it
anchored in faith in you. This morning it is bombarded with all kinds of
thoughts that I know are not from you. You tell me that you take care of all the
concerns of my mind and heart. You tell me to rest in you. Resting in you means
that I must be captivated by you. It means that I must not be captivated by the
enemy's lies. I must see them for what they intend to do to me, and that is
destroy who I am in you, Lord. To rob me of my peace and joy and my
faith....that is their purpose.
Would I allow someone
to steal my child from me? Wouldn't I fight for that child with all that I have?
With all my life? My faith is your precious gift to me. I will fight for it with
all I have. I will pray for your strength. I will not let the enemy steal and
destroy what you died to give me!
What do I do in this
difficult moment? What do I do when sudden fear arises from somewhere I did not
know even existed? How do I shut down my mind to the lies? I must protect my
heart (my soul) from what lies are exploding in my mind. I tell myself over and
over that I choose to believe in what your Word tells me …. that I can have
perfect peace when my mind stays on you, Lord (Isaiah 26:3). I tell the enemy
that he is defeated and he has no right to my life. And I praise you, Lord
Jesus, vocally, again and again and again until the lies of the enemy are
silenced. It is at that moment they are silenced, that my sacrifice of praise
(Hebrews 13:15) becomes one of my healing and release in you, Lord Jesus. It is
in this moment I am free.
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