"Do not be anxious about anything, but
in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your
requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will
guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus" (Philippians
There is a peace that fills and calms
the person who trusts in God. And that peace rises from a deep faith that knows
and has experienced the constant and unfailing love of God. He is a God who
provides all of my needs, not because of any obligation, but because He cannot
deny His love. It is a love that died for me and gave all for me. And that
enduring love longs to take care of me. I am His child, and there is nothing
that I will ever face alone.
If I pray for Him
to save me from difficulty and worry, then I must trust that He will. If I don't
trust, then I become helpless and powerless. He is my rescuer and wants to
rescue me. Instead of fighting His help when I am drowning, I will trust in His
faithfulness to lift me out of my sea of despair. He calls me to launch out into
the deep. I will not fight my rescuer because I fear drowning. God has not given
me a spirit of fear, but of His power and His love and a sound mind (2 Timothy
1:7). I will not drown. I can depend on Him.
There is a place of peace that passes
understanding. It is found in Him. He is the same forever, and forever (Hebrews
13:8). He is my God.
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