“Beloved, I pray that in all respects you may prosper and be in good
health, just as your soul prospers” (3 John 2, NASV). “Beloved, I wish
above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy
soul prospers” (3 John 2, KJV).
When I first read these words in 1979, I didn't know how they would
impact my life. I had been told that I had cancer. As I read the first
word, the Lord placed my name after it. He called me “beloved”. He
wished above everything else for me to prosper, to thrive, and have good
health. That was His will for my life. My mind focused completely on
these words, and I decided they were His promise for me. He wanted me
well! I read the second half of the verse, “even as thy soul prospers”.
He certainly wanted my soul to prosper more than anything else. I
decided to seek Him in His Word. I needed hope, and that is where I knew
I could find it. He healed me that year of cancer, and I will praise
Him forever for His miracle. But it was not until a few years later that
I came to understand the depth of that verse in my life.
According to this verse, when my soul prospers spiritually His promise
is for good health for my life. My soul thrives as I seek Him. The more I
know Him the less stress consumes my life. I prosper in every
way–spiritually, physically, mentally, and emotionally. With spiritual
growth, I know I am His “beloved”, and I can believe in His promise of
good health even when I haven’t experienced it. With a prospering soul, I
receive God's greater faith to believe. With greater faith I learn to
persevere and trust God for His best in my life–whatever He decides that
best should be. Sometimes it is not what I perceive it should be, but I
have learned that His way is greater than mine (Isaiah 55:8). By
continually giving Him my concerns and worries and fears, I learn that I
don't have to be anxious (Philippians 4:6). My constant striving to
trust and have faith is over, and I can rest in Him. My mind and heart
remains on Him, and I have His perfect peace (Isaiah 26:3).
If you are struggling, let 3 John 2 take root in your soul. Seek Him,
pray, and learn about His love for you. Invest your life in God, and He
will invest in you. You will realize that with spiritual growth and
maturity comes His promise of healing. You will have the greatest peace,
and you shall know that you are His “beloved”.
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