“Being found in
appearance as a man, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to
death— even death on a cross” (Philippians 2:8,NIV).
When I am obedient to
God's Word, my actions reveal that the cost of Jesus' sacrifice means
everything to me. Christ's obedience to His father's will at Calvary
is my greatest example of obedience. It was His choice whether to lay
down His life or not. He had the freedom to refuse. He was not
compelled to give His life for me. He just did because He loved me. I
am also free to accept and follow Him, or I can refuse and reject
Him. If I go my own way, I miss the joy found in sacrificing my life
for the sake of His.
When I am obedient to
God's will in what I sacrifice, His sacrifice becomes the defining
reason for my obedience. The sacrificial love of Calvary completely
defines who I am. I discover that a humble spirit inspires obedience,
and finds joy in living an obedient life. But when I refuse to follow
Him, I become the prime example of the fact that disobedience stems
from pride. It says “no” when the cost of personal sacrifice is
too great, and has little reverence for the price that was paid at
My obedience honors the
cost of Jesus’ sacrifice, and goes where disobedience never will—
into the very heart of God. This is where the joy of giving myself
away for His sake is discovered. “Remember this,” Paul wrote,
“whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows
generously will also reap generously. Each man should give what he
has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under
compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver” (2 Corinthians 9:6-7,
Do I want to freely, and
never reluctantly, invest in His Kingdom by living an obedient life?
Do I long to cheerfully give my life for His sake? My compliance to
God’s will brings the greatest joy in what I give away. If I invest
with joy, I shall receive the grace of His power and supply for my
work. His joy is discovered in giving as Christ gave to me.
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