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Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Knowing His Presence

“He will never leave you or forsake you” (Deuteronomy 31:6b).
Do I believe this promise that he will never leave or forsake me? It is a guarantee. If I don't feel His presence all the time that does not mean He has forsaken me. He doesn't change (Hebrews 13:8), and He doesn't leave. 

When I have something in my life that is wrong, I don't feel a closeness to God. I have an uneasiness that lets me know I need to make a change in my attitude, thought-life, or action. When there is something that blocks His presence in my life, I have no peace because my life is not surrendered to Him completely. I feel He has left me, but He hasn't. He is still there waiting for my return. The feeling of separation that comes with sin is very real, but it does not come from Him. When I haven't surrendered my life, I have forsaken Him. 

When my life is surrendered to Him, I have a peace from believing and knowing that He is with me. Though His supernatural presence is comforting, inspiring, and joyful, I do not need to constantly have a sensory feeling of His closeness to know He is with me. I have His guarantee. I know His peace that passes understanding even when all around feels dark. I know in whom I believe, and know He is able to keep me safe no matter what happens. There is the deepest joy that comes from choosing to believe by faith that He is with me. With that joy comes the feelings of completeness for which my heart has so longed. The days He graces me with feelings of His amazing presence mean so much more, because I have chosen to believe in Him on days when life has been hard.

If I have something is my life I know is not right, I must let it go. If I have wrong attitudes and thoughts, I must lay them on His altar. Then I shall know His presence. He is my strength when I feel weak. He is my peace when I feel shaken. Feelings depend upon moods, circumstances, and outward pressures. His peace comes from within and never without. I may be influenced by circumstances, but He never is. His promise is always kept. To have His peace that passes understanding, I give Him all that I feel and choose to believe in what He has promised. He will never forsake or leave me.

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