“Hold on to the pattern
of wholesome teaching you learned from me—a pattern shaped by the faith and love
that you have in Christ Jesus. Through the power of the Holy Spirit who lives
within us, carefully guard the precious truth that has been entrusted to you” (2
Timothy 1:13-14, NLT).
You have been bought with
the most costly price–the sacrificial gift of a life given so you might live in
freedom and in victory. Through the years you have learned more and more of Him,
and grown in Him. You have lived a life surrendered to His will, and you have
been obedient to His Word. Yet, suddenly you find yourself poised on the brink
of destruction. You know in your mind and heart the difference between what is
right and wrong, but the enemy has made his way look comforting, attractive, and
rewarding. Perhaps your motives were at first pure, but as time progressed you
have not guarded your heart, and you have been drawn into an emotional
attachment that will ultimately destroy your life in Jesus Christ.
Choose the life that Jesus offers. Don't allow the
lure of what temporarily soothes to claim your heart and mind. That balm does
not last. Your balm lies in Gilead. He is your only hope. Hold on to what Jesus
has given you. Don't forget the love you have found in Him. Through the power of
the Holy Spirit that lives within your heart, stand strong. Cut those ties that
will destroy you, and look to Him, the author and the finisher of your faith.
You have not been abandoned. You have been drawn with an everlasting love that
will never fail you.
Choose life and blessing instead of death and
destruction. Seek Him and only Him. You will not only guard your heart from that
which will destroy you, you will guard the precious truth that He has entrusted
to you. You will know freedom and victory in Him because you have chosen Him
over anything else. Never again will His loving grace be second. It will be the
most costly treasure of your life.
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