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Friday, June 28, 2019

Already Won

Don't worry over issues problems that come up each day! Recognize each one as an opportunity to allow the Holy Spirit to guide and empower you. When you concentrate on the hardship of each problem, you are relying on your own strength, and you can’t see how the Holy Spirit can carry you safely over each hurdle. When you rely on God’s strength, He directs and empowers you. Those hurdles become a springboard to greater faith.

“Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith” (Hebrews 12:1b-2a, NIV).

You can only run this race of life with perseverance if He carries you, and He can’t carry you if you don’t extend Him the opportunity. He is the pioneer of your faith, and He perfects your faith. When you were born again, His Spirit perfected you in your spirit. But your mind is where His Spirit perfects and develops your faith. It is where you believe and trust in the gift of His life for yours. 

Regard each issue in your life as a springboard to greater faith, and don't dwell on what might be or what might happen. Keep your eyes on Jesus and run the race of life in His strength. As He perfects your faith, problems won’t defeat you. Consider each issue in your life as a means to bring you closer to Him, and life won’t bring despair but will increase your faith.

Greater faith brings the power of His peace. His peace flies above hurdles in life. It’s free of despair and full of the promises of God. His peace overcomes obstacles of which you have not even been aware. Those obstacles that you do know? He brings a resolution that is perfect and lasting.

You are going to run the race of life. How you run it is your decision. Keep your eyes on Jesus and allow Him to empower each step! The Holy Spirit shall perfect you in the spirit of your mind! Jesus has already won the race for you at Calvary! When you realize this, life will flow in His abundance!

© 2019 Lynn Lacher


1 comment:

  1. Love you Lynn. May God continue to use you and inspire you. You are a encouragement to so many. Thank you for your love for Ruby and me.


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