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Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Rock-Solid Faith

Look! I am placing a foundation stone in Jerusalem, a firm and tested stone. It is a precious cornerstone that is safe to build on. Whoever believes need never be shaken. —Isaiah 28:16b (NLT)

Jesus is a precious cornerstone—a strong and everlasting foundation. In Jerusalem, upon Mount Moriah at the place of the Skull,  Jesus accomplished His Father’s will. The innocent life He gave was priceless. While the world unknowingly waited, He finally died, splitting the veil of the temple and unleashing His gift of righteousness to change the human heart. 

Upon this solid foundation of Jesus’ life for mine—upon His precious gift of righteousness—my faith is built. He is the only sure foundation in which I trust—the only safe harbor in which I find refuge. Even though there is nothing Jesus requires of me, the gift of His life calls for my response. His love was the purest ever forged and the only love Resurrected. His Grace gave without regard. 

Nothing else is Truth but Jesus. Nothing else is worthy of building upon but Him. God placed Jesus, His Son, as a foundation stone for my faith. Tested and tried, Jesus stood unshakeably against anything that would dissuade Him from His purpose. Because of His Grace, I have a precious—a priceless—faith that cost Jesus everything but me nothing. His Grace yearns for me to believe—and allow Him alone to build my faith. I trust Him, and I stand. I believe His Truth! He is my rock, my peace, and my sure foundation. 

Is He your rock-solid faith?  Do you trust Him when life throws punches at you?  The answer is to believe. Whoever believes, the Word says, need never be shaken.

© 2019 Lynn Lacher

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