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Monday, June 17, 2019

Yes I Am

For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.
—2 Corinthians 5:21 (NKJV)

We sing the chorus from Hillsong, "Who You Say I Am," and I wonder if we listen to what we sing—if the words of the song resonate with us. What is its message? I am a child of God, and I am free! I am free of condemnation! I am free of sin's judgment because Jesus became my sin and paid the price for me. 

         Who was I that Jesus would die for me? I was once a nobody and unworthy, but He accepted me and made me worthy by the gift of His righteousness. When I understand who He says I am, I believe—without a doubt—that I am chosen and not forsaken. And who am I? What is my identity?  I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. I stand blameless before God because of the loving mercy and grace of my Savior.

         Why do some believe that after they receive Jesus’ love that they could never earn, that they must earn the right to keep it? They think they have to work hard enough—and be good enough— to hold on to His precious love. They were so in awe and in love with Jesus for the gift of His life that saved them, and, then after receiving His love, they believe they have to earn what He unselfishly died to give. That makes no sense. It would make God a God who has changed. The Word says He is unchanging, and the Word is Truth. 

         “Because of our faith,” Paul wrote, “Christ has brought us into this place of undeserved privilege where we now stand, and we confidently and joyfully look forward to sharing God’s glory” (Romans 5:2, NLT). Jesus didn’t bring us to a place of undeserved privilege because of our performance or because of anything we had done right. No! Jesus brought was into a place of right standing with God because of our faith. We believed in Jesus, and God accounted it to us as righteousness.

         Dear friend, Jesus has not brought you to a place of undeserved privilege and then said you now must work to make yourself right before Him. When you understand what His gift of righteousness means in your life, you walk by faith and not by sight. When you grasp the fact that your righteousness cost your precious Savior everything—that only He could set you free— then you are free from the torment of guilt and shame. Then you are free to believe that Jesus, who died for you, now lives in you renewing your mind and transforming you. He does the work—not you. 

         You can lean on Jesus, and breathe a sigh of relief! The One who died for you empowers you. Let go and let Him. You are a child of God! Yes, you are!

© 2019 Lynn Lacher

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