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Thursday, June 6, 2019


My lips will shout for joy when I sing praise to you—I whom you have delivered.
—Psalm 71:23 (NIV)

Darkness swallowed me. 
I drowned in a sense of unworthiness.
You had rescued me at Calvary.
You had completely forgiven me—
But my mind could not grasp it.
My besieged heart could not feel it.
Fear waged war in my mind—
Fighting the gift of your love.
It was so hard to believe—
When my plagued mind held no hope.
I yearned to feel you again—
To sense once more your joy and peace.

Suddenly—in the depth of my pain—
The oil of your presence flowed—
Soothing and drawing, promising release.
Could I finally believe?
Would you set me free?
Praise me, you whispered.
Praise you? But could I? 
My lips murmured, “Jesus…”
Redeeming love overwhelmed me.
Your breath filled my being.
Your heart beat as my own.
The lies of the enemy held no place.
The weight of condemnation lifted!
No more guilt or shame!
Nothing I must do to be worthy!
You had accomplished that!
I believed your love! I believed!
I was free!
My lips shall forever sing praise to you!
I—whom you have delivered!

© Lynn Lacher

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