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Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Your Need

Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need (Matthew 6:30-33, NLT) 

The Lord knows your need. You belong to Him. When He died for your sins, you received a new nature—His righteousness. It was not a partial gift. It was complete work. You received all the resources of your Father. Understanding this truth is so hard for the human mind to grasp. But when you are transformed by consistently putting on the new nature, the way you think changes. Your perception changes. As you draw closer to Him, you believe He provides beyond what your natural mind perceives.

God’s spiritual kingdom resides in the spirit of each born again believer. Whether it comes to fruition within your mind is your choice. Be renewed in your mind by His Spirit. Seek His revealed truth in the Word until what you perceive is born of His Spirit. What your natural mind observes as your need is not what your spiritual mind knows you need. Allow Him to change your attitude until you believe the circumstances you face do not control you. You recognize His vision. You trust His provision. 

Circumstances may whirl beyond your natural comprehension, but you remain peaceful, knowing nothing can destroy your trust. Your faith reveals the reality of what you hope for! It is the evidence of things you cannot see with your natural mind. Faith sees with His eyes. Faith understands beyond the physical. Grasp His spiritual truth. Believe by faith that God has fulfilled your need. He brings His promise to life. 

© 2019 Lynn Lacher

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