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Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Faith is the Key

Jesus said to him, “Go; your faith [and confident trust in My power] has made you well.” Immediately he regained his sight and began following Jesus on the road.

—Mark 10:52 (AMP)



Bartimaeus, a blind beggar, was determined to get Jesus’ attention. When he heard that Jesus was the reason for a large crowd, he began crying out loudly for the Lord to have mercy on him. Several in the crowd told him to be still and quiet, but Bartimaeus cried out louder. It didn’t matter that they were upset. Jesus heard Bartimaeus and called him to come to him. When some in the crowd heard Jesus calling him, they said to Bartimaeus, “Take courage. He is calling you.” Bartimaeus jumped up and came to Jesus. Jesus asked him what we wanted, and Bartimaeus said he wanted to regain his sight. And Jesus told him that his faith had made him well.


This blind beggar believed that Jesus could heal him. He took responsibility for what he needed in his life. It didn’t matter about the taunts of the crowd or what they thought of him. When Bartimaeus moved forward toward Jesus, he stepped away from his identity as a blind man. And he received what Jesus had for him—a new identity as a man who could see.


Often, we identify with an illness we experience—or a problem we have—or a failure we encounter, instead of identifying with Jesus. Jesus waits for us to move forward in faith, believing all things are possible in Him. It doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks or says. If Bartimaeus had waited for the perfect opportunity, he would have missed his healing. Jesus made it clear to Bartimaeus why he received his sight. "Your faith," Jesus said, "has made you well" (Mark 10:52). 


Sometimes an illness or problem or failure we identify with becomes our comfort zone. It becomes our identity. We see ourselves less than Jesus sees us. But if we move toward Jesus believing He will heal us, we move away from the emotional and physical things we experience toward the spiritual truth of healing in Him. Feelings become less important. We start to see ourselves through the truth of His Word. Our perception changes and we identify with Jesus. He becomes our identity. 


After Jesus told Bartimaeus that his faith had made him well, Bartimaeus immediately began following Jesus down the road. He went with the person who had changed his life. Yes, Bartimaeus could see with his eyes, but he could see so much more. He no longer saw himself as the man who had sat on the roadside, begging in his need. Bartimaeus identified with Jesus, who had told him that his faith had made him well. 


What is your identity? Is it Jesus, or is it an illness—your failure—your past? "Therefore if anyone is in Christ [that is, grafted in, joined to Him by faith in Him as Savior], he is a new creature [reborn and renewed by the Holy Spirit]; the old things [the previous moral and spiritual condition] have passed away. Behold, new things have come [because spiritual awakening brings a new life]" (2 Corinthians 5:17, AMP).


You are new in Jesus—reborn by His Spirit. Your spiritual awakening in Christ has brought you a new life. Jesus doesn't see you as sinful or sick or a failure. He wishes you to see and understand what He purchased for you at Calvary. You are grafted and joined to Him by faith. His identity is now yours. Allow the Holy Spirit to reveal in His Word your new identity in Christ, and leave the baggage of failure—of sin—of the sickness of your old life behind. 


Your mustard seed of faith is the key to receive from God. Just like Bartimaeus, don’t care what others think. Put your faith in Jesus. Like the woman who touched the hem of His garment, have faith. Like the two blind men, have faith. Like the centurion, have faith. Just like each one of these, reach out and receive by faith the wholeness—the healing—the freedom that Jesus has for you. Place confident trust in your Savior. When you know who you are in Christ, you are free.


© 2021 Lynn Lacher


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