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Thursday, March 11, 2021

Grave or Grace


These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.

—John 16:33 (NKJV)


There is NO peace in the world we live in. We face tribulation—evil—illnesses—broken relationships and heart-wrenching circumstances. These things may be present in this world, but in Christ, they are not meant to overcome us. Christ has already overcome everything in this world that we face. He has overcome everything the enemy tries to use to kill, steal, and destroy us. In Christ, we have life and peace. And yet, we live in fear of what we feel and sense. We live defeated lives and accept what the world tells us instead of believing the Truth of His Grace.


Do you know He has OVERCOME what tries to come against you every day?  The Word says that we are overcomers. Do you believe it? Or is fear your everyday friend?  Jesus has OVERCOME SIN—SICKNESS—DEATH. The grave is overwhelmed by His Grace. Your life is overwhelmed by His Grace! Jesus has OVERCOME your world! Christ has freed you from every lie of the enemy. What you face in this life has no power unless you give it power. Yes, the world has tribulation, but it does not control your life. 


“Be of good cheer!” Jesus said. “I have overcome the world.”  We are victorious in Him. And in His victory, there is NO fear. There is only peace. If you give in to the torment of the enemy, you can’t experience Christ’s peace. If you choose to believe what the world says is true instead of what the Word says is true, you can’t experience His peace. But when you KNOW His perfect love, it casts out all fear. You KNOW you are forgiven. You KNOW you are healed. You KNOW you are not defeated. You KNOW He will supply all your needs. YOU KNOW.


We believe either the lies of the world or the Truth of His Word. We either believe the grave has claimed us or His Grace has healed us and set us free. What do you believe? Grave or Grace?


© 2021 Lynn Lacher

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