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Wednesday, March 31, 2021

His Truth Kills the Lie


Most assuredly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it produces much grain.

—John 12:24 (NKJV)


Jesus speaks in this Scripture, knowing His time is almost upon Him. His life—given for the sins of the world—will produce much grain and much fruit in the lives of believers. But that one grain must die for life. Jesus has to die for this miracle to happen. What is the miracle? Death is the lie. Newly Resurrected life in Him is the miracle of Truth. 


How many of us allow a lie to hold us back from the fullness Jesus wishes to reveal in us? You might believe one of these lies: 


“You will never amount to anything. You will never be good enough. Jesus loves someone else more than He loves you. Jesus doesn't have time for your problem. Jesus doesn't forgive you. You will always be a failure. You will never have anything. You will be sick forever. If you don't feel something, it is not real.”


And the enemy berates you and continually throws your lie in your face.


That lie is not Truth, and it rules your life. Instead of trusting God, you put all your energy into trusting a lie. And without realizing it, that lie becomes your idol. The lie you believe—just like a grain of wheat—must die for you to live in the fullness Jesus has given you. When the lie, which has owned your life instead of Jesus, is finally rooted out, then the Holy Spirit—without any hindrance—flows in your life. 


What you go over and over again in your mind is what directs and consumes your life. If it is a lie, then you are in bondage to that lie instead of living in the freedom of God’s Truth. When your mind is fixed on God’s Truth, you live in His perfect peace.


What have you rehearsed over and over in your mind? Perhaps, a condemnation that was hammered into you as a child or something that happened years ago or a sin from the past keeps you from understanding God’s love for you. When you don’t know God’s Truth, you have no weapon to destroy the lies the enemy uses.


What are you battling right now? If you want to get to the lie that holds you back, look at what you are going through. The struggles in your life and how you handle them reveal the lies you believe and the truths you need to defeat them. You choose to allow the Holy Spirit to teach you His Truth.


Do you realize Jesus has healed you in spirit, mind, and body? Until you believe what Jesus says about you, you will continually struggle to know who you are and what you have as a new person in Jesus. When you allow the Word to transform your mind and defeat the lies that have stolen your freedom, you will know who you are in Jesus. 


The knowledge of His Truth sets you free. Allow the Holy Spirit to reveal the lies you have believed. Allow God to be on the throne of your life and not any lie. You are new in Christ. Die to the lie of the old person you were. When you know the Truth of who you are in Jesus, the Holy Spirit flows freely and produces more than you ever believed possible.


You have His authority to defeat the lies. Believe who God says you are. Exercise who He is in you.


©2021 Lynn Lacher


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