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Thursday, March 4, 2021


For the Lord is the Spirit, and wherever the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.

—2 Corinthians 3:17 (NLT)



It is only in you, Lord, that I have freedom. I yearn to know more about the life you have given me. I don't wish anything to keep me from the abundance of your Grace. Reveal any lie that holds me back. I want to receive all you have for me without any restraint. 


I let go of the lies which keep me from seeing your infinite Truth and your blessings in my life. You have given me your eyes to see something greater than what is around me and your ears to hear your voice above the noise of life. You have given me your mind to understand things beyond the capability of my own mind. I have your capacity to see and hear and understand and to love. Help me to get out of the way, Holy Spirit, so you can flow without hindrance in me—drawing and empowering me to love with your unconditional love. Nothing can stand in the way of your Grace when self is out of the way. 


My mind is limited in what it perceives and recognizes. Your mind is all-knowing and aware and in tune with the rhythms of Grace. I choose not to reason or analyze. Your mind is all I desire. Receiving and living your boundless Grace is my one desire. I want to ebb and flow with your Spirit, Jesus—never with my emotions or feelings.


I trust you, Lord. I’m your child. I ask for greater faith to believe in greater things. I am healed by the gift of your life—your precious blood shed for me. I am not partially healed. I am thoroughly healed. I choose to live my life from your perspective—from the truth you know about me. I stand unmasked in your presence with nothing to hide. You have the right to do with me as you wish—to mold me—to change my perspective continually—to convict me with your righteousness—to transform my mind to the wonder of your Truth. 


You have judged me righteous with the gift of your life for mine. I judge no one—not even myself. I don’t walk in condemnation or shame. Neither do I need to condemn anyone else. My spirit overflows. You heal me, and I receive it. I’m not limited by any lie or any fear or any doubt. I believe. I praise you for the marvelous Grace you have poured into my life. You are everything within me. I breathe your peace. The voice of the enemy is quietened. And I am free.


© 2021 Lynn Lacher

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