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Friday, June 28, 2024

Hearing God


God is always speaking to us. If we don’t believe this, we will have difficulty hearing Him. If we hear God clearly, He will direct us on how to get through problems and keep us from making poor choices that cause many of them. 


Do you know how to hear God’s voice? There are definite ways He communicates with us. If we learn them, it will be easier for us to recognize whether we are hearing from God, the enemy, or if we are hearing our own heart’s desires. 


We need God to guide us. We need His guidance to make the best decisions regarding our finances, health issues, and relationship problems. Whether regarding our body, finances, emotions, or marriage, we don’t need to make decisions independent of hearing Him. Knowing ways to hear God is essential to receiving His guidance to make the best life choices.


God uses our conscience to speak what is right for us. After sin destroyed our relationship with God in the Garden of Eden, a conscience became necessary to discern His voice. So, we have a conscience to discern right from wrong. Our consciences either excuse or accuse us. 


God speaks to us through the Word because the Word is who He is. What we believe beyond the Word should never contradict or replace it. The Word is the plumb line by which we measure everything we attribute to God. We should diligently present ourselves as approved to God, workers who do not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth (2 Timothy 2:15). How do we know if what we are hearing is not just our mind or flesh? We can know whether we hear God when we allow the Word to “discern between soul and spirit and the thoughts and intents of the heart” (Hebrews 4:12).


God speaks to your spirit. When you are born again, you are one spirit with the Lord (1 Corinthians 6:17). This truth is a reality in the spiritual realm. Many Christians do not realize this. They identify more with who they are according to the flesh than who they are in Christ. But who you are in your born-again spirit is the real you. You don’t have to live by the direction of the physical world, looking for God to speak to you through your circumstances or by a sign. You can walk by faith and not by sight (2 Corinthians 5:7) and allow His Spirit to speak to your spirit. Instead of God’s voice coming through an external sign or third person, you can hear God in your spirit in the first person. 


The Holy Spirit plays a crucial role in providing revelation. His wisdom goes beyond our human understanding, guiding us to see things from God's perspective. You don’t have to rely on your intellectual capability to figure things out. By allowing the Holy Spirit to reveal God’s wisdom, you can gain a deeper understanding and make decisions that align with God's will.


The Holy Spirit will lead you into all truth and even show you things to come (John 16:13). Not only will the Holy Spirit reveal things to come, but He will also bring to your remembrance what Jesus has said (John 14:26). The Holy Spirit quickens the revelation of God’s Word in your heart.


Seek to hear the Lord’s voice. He uses your conscience to draw you to Himself. Don’t disregard or disobey the intuitive knowledge of right and wrong. That is foundational. Then go to the anointed Word of God, and God will speak to you through it. You can’t go very far in hearing God if you don’t know what the Word says. 


If you are born-again, you are one spirit with the Lord, and He will speak to you—His Spirit speaking to your spirit. He will lead you by the peace of God in your heart (Colossians. 3:15). Delight yourself in the Lord and put Him first, and He will lead you by the desires He puts in your heart (Psalms 37:4).


The Father seeks those who are hungry enough to hear Him. If we are hungry enough, we can hear God. 


Are you hungry enough, born again child, to allow God to express Himself to you and within you?



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