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Sunday, June 9, 2024

The Work is His



Being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ.

— Philippians 1:6



What race is God asking you to run? Does it seem too enormous to you? Does it frighten you when you think about what God asks you to do? Or does knowing God trust you to believe Him for the impossible humble and excite you?


We have come too far in Christ to shrink back now. We live in the last of the last days. There is no time for fear or anxiety. God is looking to each of us to fulfill our part of His plan. He depends on us, and we must give our lives to do what He asks. Nothing is more important than listening to His voice and doing as He asks.


God could choose anyone, but He chose you. So, whatever God asks of you, consider it an honor that He would use you to accomplish something for Him. You must push aside any fear, draw upon the power of God living deep within you, stand on His promises, and step out in faith to see it done. You will never know what God can do unless you step out and allow Him to show you.


When the children of Israel prepared to cross the Jordan River into the Promised Land, the river was at flood stage. To all appearances, it was impossible. God commanded Joshua to instruct the priests to step right into the river. God assured Joshua that if he did, the water would miraculously part so that he, the priests, and the rest of the Israelites could pass through on the dry ground.


Can you imagine how Joshua felt?  People watched him and the priests, looking to see if the water would part as he had promised. But this wasn’t Joshua’s moment to shrink back in fear. He chose it as his moment to obey. Standing on the edge of the Jordan River with its water rising higher, Joshua obeyed God’s command. The priests lifted their feet to take the first step into the current. As they obeyed, the water parted just as God had promised Joshua (Joshua 3:17).


It took Joshua’s courage and obedience for the waters to part. Because of his obedience, all the Israelites passed into their Promised Land. This shows the power of one man’s obedience to God. Do you realize that your obedience affects others? When you obey God, other people are impacted, which opens the doors for them to receive God’s promises.


Obedience to God is not always easy or without conflict. Joshua had to fight his thoughts and emotions and refuse to allow fear to flood his mind. If Joshua had listened to those thoughts, he would never have obeyed God. But he rebuked the thoughts and the feelings they evoked and boldly stepped out. Joshua experienced God's superseding, supernatural, and supreme power the moment he obeyed. 


Those who stand on the edge and allow fear to keep them from God’s plan in their life will never experience the power of God as Joshua did. If they want to experience God’s power and see Him miraculously working in their lives, they must be willing to rise up, step out, and do precisely what God asks of them.


Perhaps, this is your season for God’s dream to take root in your heart. But the time will come when you must stop thinking about your dream and act. If you don’t, your dream will only remain a dream and not a reality. When you finally act on that dream and move forward to do what God has asked, that is the moment you will see God supernaturally part the waters before you.


Is God asking you to step out in faith and start something new or do something that seems impossible? Is He calling you into an area of ministry that seems overwhelming?  Has He placed a dream in your heart that seems beyond all your capability?  That is the whole point. Whatever He calls you to do is impossible in the natural. It takes His supernatural to accomplish.


Whatever God tells you to do, pray about it. Seek Him, and let Him prepare your heart. When His time is right, He will one day speak to your heart and say it is time to get off the edge and step into the water. If you do as He asks, you will see His power moving in your life as never before.


If you know it is time to step out in faith, take your eyes off the impossibility of what you see, and fix your eyes on Jesus. He is the author and finisher of your faith (Hebrews 12:2). What He starts, He will always finish. That’s why Paul said, “Being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ” (Philippians 1:6).


The word “confident” means to be fully persuaded or thoroughly convinced. Paul says, “I am fully and completely persuaded and convinced…that he which began a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ.” Be confident that God Himself will move you toward the goal.  He will not stop until you have reached the end. 


God is with you at the beginning of your journey and will empower you to make it to the finish line. You may not always feel like an overcomer, but God's grace is moving you to your Promised Land one step at a time.


Joshua’s obedience resulted in all of Israel passing over into their Promised Land. Your willingness to obey will also make the way clear for others to follow and experience the power of God in their lives. When you obey God, He imparts power into your life that is more extraordinary than you could ever ask or think (Ephesians 3:20). However, such power belongs to those who obey Him.


God will empower you to do the most incredible thing you have ever done. It may seem as impossible as crossing the Jordan at flood stage, but His grace and power will supernaturally pick you up, carry you toward the goal, and bring you to the end. 


What is the step of faith you need to take? What promise is waiting for you across the river? What is stopping you from taking the next step of that precipice? Is it time for you to stop just thinking about what you see and start acting on what God has given you to do?  Don’t look at yourself. You cannot part that river. Look to Him, the author and the finisher of your faith. It is Jesus in you who accomplishes the impossible. It is Jesus who began a good work in you and completed it. When you step out in faith and obey God, you finish strong because Jesus finished strong. 


Whatever God asks of you, your obedience will increase the blessings of His power in your life and affect blessings in the lives of others until the day of Jesus Christ.



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