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Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Casting Your Cares on The Lord



Casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.

1 Peter 5:7



Are your cares bringing you to the point of despair? Is fear controlling your life when circumstances overwhelm you? Where is the peace that Jesus says is yours?   


Peace is the product of casting your cares—your fears—your stress— your uncertainties—your worry, and anxiety all upon God through prayer and thanksgiving (Philippians 4:6-7). 


Instead of casting their cares on the Lord, many Christians ask God to take their fears and anxiety and give them peace. That does not work. The Word says we are to give our anxieties to Him. We must give Him our fears from our uncertainties and not knowing the future. He wants us to focus on Him because He cares for us. Casting our cares on Him happens when we place our faith in Him and His promises. Christians who lack God's peace have not taken their cares to the Lord and left them with Him. 


As a Christian, you have received Christ’s peace. It is a fruit of the Spirit that lives in your born-again spirit. Your cares and anxieties will blind you to His peace. But when the cares of this world are removed, peace will flow in your life.


“For to be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually minded is life and peace” (Romans 8:6).


When you are “carnally minded,” your flesh determines your life—your outlook—your attitude. Your natural mind directs your feelings, hence your actions. What you think or feel comes from your flesh instead of the Spirit of God within you. When you are carnally minded, the Word doesn’t say you are just “inclined” toward death. It says that it is death. 


In the same way, being spiritually minded does not just “incline” you toward life and peace. It is life and peace. When spiritually minded, the Holy Spirit determines what you think, feel, and do. When someone says he is spiritually minded and is consumed with fear, he is deceived. He is carnally minded. He is experiencing death instead of life. He has Christ's perfect love that casts out fear but isn't letting God's peace rule His life. If we renewed our minds with the spiritual truths of God’s Word and allowed them to control our lives, we would receive life and peace.


Your spiritual righteousness in Christ is your peace. No one who seeks to gain peace with God by his own effort will ever have God's peace. The spiritual peace of God only comes by grace through faith and is experienced no matter your circumstances or what you lack or have. Human peace is only experienced in the absence of problems. Those who only know human peace don't experience it often, and it certainly doesn’t last. God's peace is independent of our circumstances and has an unending supply for any problem we could ever have. 


God has given us the gift of His supernatural peace. Don’t hold on to the bondage of fear! Don’t be carnally minded, replaying your fears, worries, and possible consequences repeatedly in your mind! Don’t dwell on your problem—your health—those symptoms—your need. See yourself with the mind of Christ. Throw those fears away from you and give them to Him! 


Choose to be spiritually minded, and allow the Holy Spirit to determine your thoughts. Place your faith in God and His living Word. Give Him your worries with thanksgiving in your heart. If you remove the bondage in your life that holds back the freedom of His blessing, peace will flow like rivers of living water.


You live in God’s perfect peace when you trust in Him. You rest in the truth of His love and the promise of His Word. You are at peace when your mind is fixed on Him, not your problems. You are casting your cares on Him—never forgetting that when you do, your cares belong to Him, not you. 

If you cast your burden on the Lord, He shall sustain you. He shall never permit the righteous to be moved (Psalm 55:22).


Casting your cares on the Lord is a spiritual truth with the supernatural power to change your life.



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