When I cry out to You, then my enemies will turn back; this I know, because God is for me.
—Psalm 56:9
God is for us, but notice that this verse says we must cry out to Him before His deliverance comes.
When I read Mark 6:45 recently, the phrase “He made” grabbed me. Jesus “made” His disciples get into the boat. They had just seen Him multiply the loaves and fish and feed over five thousand, and I'm sure they were excited to discuss this miracle. But now He was telling them they would go to Bethsaida ahead of him. I’m sure they objected, but “He made” them.
Once they got into the boat and started across the sea, they were doing Jesus’ bidding. Jesus was responsible for their welfare. Later in the fourth watch of the night, when he had finished praying, Jesus saw the disciples on the water struggling to row against the wind. Jesus was well aware of their hardship. Likewise, wherever God leads us—whatever our situation, He is responsible for our welfare. We can rest assured He knows our situations completely. God may not be early, but He is never late.
When Jesus came walking on the water toward His struggling disciples, there is no doubt He was coming to help them. Yet, Mark 6:48 says Jesus acted as though He would pass by them. They were troubled when they saw Him on the water. Thinking He might be a ghost, they cried out. Jesus told them not to be afraid. He stepped into the boat with them, and the wind ceased. They were amazed because their hearts were hardened. They had not learned about the miracle of the loaves and fish.
This illustrates how the Lord comes to us. He is always there amid our problems but doesn’t just take control. Regardless of our frantic situations, He waits for us to call Him for help. He doesn’t force His help on us. And He is always on top of what is about to drown us. Nothing is a problem for Him. But we must look for Him, or He will pass us by.
How often do we miss the Lord when He is waiting to deliver us? Jesus is with us in our hardships. His deliverance is just within our grasp. His power is available, but we often don’t turn from our fear and call out to Him. We hold on to our fears instead of trusting Him.
When I cry out to God in faith, knowing He is for me, His power defeats the enemies against me. His power will never defeat those enemies if I do not exercise my faith. According to my faith in the Lord, I will receive. I receive from the Lord when what I believe in my heart agrees with His Word. I can either believe the storm I am in or in God, who is for me. He waits for my surrender so He can take care of what I can’t.
Wherever the Holy Spirit bids you to go or whatever He leads you to do, the Lord is always with you. He never forsakes you. He is always available, but it is up to you to respond to His offer of help. He will not force you to receive His love. God's perfect love casts out your fears, but for this to be true, you must believe Him and give your fears to Him. When you release your fears, the Lord takes them so you can receive His peace. Your outward situation may still be raging, but He is within your heart, commanding your inward tempest to cease. You can have His perfect peace that makes no sense to your circumstances.
“Now this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. And if we know that He hears us, whatever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we have asked of Him” (1 John 5:14-15).
When you belong to Jesus, He is responsible for you. The moment you call, He acts. You may not see His help the moment you pray, but the Lord responds immediately when you pray. In His spiritual Kingdom, your prayer is answered. His work is finished. You can rest assured that when you pray His will, God hears your prayer, and you have what you have asked of Him. When you have this confidence, your outward circumstances may have not yet changed, but your inward man believes it already has. You rest in God. You see beyond your circumstances and take hold of Him, knowing you will not drown but receive your answered prayer.
Have faith in God to take care of you. Don’t hold on to your circumstances. Release your fears to God. Don’t give in to your flesh screaming you will drown. Don’t lean on your understanding. Lean into God. Acknowledge Him. Jesus is coming to you right now. He might not be early, but He is never late. The Holy Spirit is drawing you, wanting to direct your paths. Respond to Him. Step forward in faith. If you “know” in your heart that God is for you, your fears will not defeat you. Don’t miss the deliverance He has for you. Know Jesus. Agree with Jesus and experience the power of His resurrection working in you.
“What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things” (Romans 8:31-32).
God did not spare His own Son but delivered Him as the complete payment for your deliverance. How shall God not freely give you what Jesus earned for you? He is waiting for your response. Nothing has the power to defeat you when you know God is for you.
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