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Monday, January 13, 2025

Manifest Your Life in Me



Jesus said to him, “If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes.”

—Mark 9:23



Have people ever told you what you are attempting to do is impossible? Have they quickly informed you of those who have tried and failed? Listening to this kind of negativity can destroy your faith in God’s plan for your life. 


What did Jesus say? “If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes” (Mark 9:23). Jesus made it very plain: if we believe, all things are possible.


The Greek word for “possible” in this verse is “dunata,” which comes from “dunatos.”  This word expresses someone “able, powerful, mighty, and strong” (New Testament Greek Lexicon). “Dunatos” shares the same root word with “dunamis,” the Greek word for power. This is a dynamic, incredible strength or ability residing in something or someone. Our word “dynamite” is borrowed from this Greek word. This word reveals there is a dynamic power that makes a person competent for any task. When this dynamic power begins to operate in a person’s life, it doesn’t matter how useless or untrained that person is. This power motivates and makes him capable of achieving whatever God asks.


Jesus said all things are possible to the one who “believes.” The word “believe” is the Greek word “pisteuonti,” which comes from “pistis,” the Greek word for faith. This word reveals a person thoroughly convinced in what he believes. He has a present, living, and believing faith. He didn’t just believe in his past; he is a believer now. His faith is actively seizing hold of what God has promised. His faith is consistently and unwaveringly straining toward the goal before him (Philippians 3:12.14).


Faith is the catalyst that causes the impossible to become possible. When a person’s faith is motivated, God’s supernatural power enables that person to do what he usually would never be able to do. This is why Jesus said, “If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes.” Once faith is motivated and stays motivated, a person becomes enabled, empowered, and competent to do whatever God has called him to do. Mark 9:23 says that if this person believes, he can do the impossible!


When God calls you to move forward into something new and unfamiliar, you cannot allow fear and doubt to flood your mind. Instead, you must immediately renew your mind with God’s truth that you can do anything God asks. When God asks you to do something — regardless of how big or impossible it seems to your human reasoning — you must tell yourself that you can do it. 


Jesus made it very clear that we receive precisely what we believe. If I believe I can do the impossible, this verse says I can do it. But if I constantly doubt, I never will. A double-minded man will never receive anything from the Lord (James 1:7-8). It is up to me to bring my thinking into agreement with God’s Word. As I build up my faith for whatever my challenge, I experience God’s dynamic power that literally moves me into His supernatural realm where the impossible becomes possible!




Lord, your Word says all things are possible to me if I believe. I am asking you to renew my mind to believe I can do anything you ask me to do. Help me understand that there is absolutely nothing impossible when I believe you. Forgive me for the times I have doubted and not believed you. I’m sorry I listened to others who talked me out of the victories you promised me. Holy Spirit, help me shut my ears to those who speak discouragement and failure to the dream you have given me. I believe anything is possible when you ask me to do it. I can do ALL things through you, Jesus. You strengthen me. I believe your Word and the vision you have placed in my heart is attainable. There is power in your Word and your Name! You can do abundantly more than I ask or think through your power at work in me. 


Reveal to me, Lord, where I have unbelief, and help me. I choose to believe you when I am tempted not to believe your Word. Forgive me for underestimating the faith you have given me. I will never underestimate it again! I will make sure that what I think and believe agrees with you. I put my faith in you, Jesus! I agree with Your Word and believe all things are possible! You have manifested your love toward me! Now manifest your life in me!  


“In this the love of God was manifested toward us, that God has sent His only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through Him” (1 John 4:9).





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