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Friday, January 3, 2014

HIs Power in Agreement

“Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven. For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them” (Matthew: 18:19-20),

This is a powerful promise that when two or more of His followers agree in prayer, He is there with them. He meets with them in prayer. He connects their spirits in prayer. He joins their hearts in prayer. Their desires become one. He binds them together to achieve this most powerful promise–that if two agree about what they ask for, it shall be done.

It is true that He is with you when you pray in your private closet. It is true that He is the lover of your soul. But when two of his lovers meet together to seek His face, He is with them in the greatest power. When He becomes their total focus....when they seek His desires.... when they agree together in prayer...when they reach to Him together in faith, He promises that whatever they ask for will be provided.

We limit God when we hesitate to believe. We limit the power of agreement when we do not come together believing and trusting, and applying faith. We may not exactly understand the why of His answer but He always answers in accordance with His will. If two are truly united in prayer in the bond of the spirit, their prayers will ask in accordance with God's will.

Always claim this promise of agreement. Never limit it. When two are together in His Name, united by one purpose in His Spirit, He is also there. He joins spirits and prayers in agreement. We become one in prayer with Him, and nothing can hinder the power with which God answers.

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