“Be careful for
nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let
your requests be made known unto God” (Philippians 4:6, KJV).
Do we limit God
sometimes by not believing the promise He sees for our lives? As a result, we
don't receive what we could receive from Him. The Word is full of promises from
God. But if we don't believe what God says is true, then why should we receive
His promise? Don't just believe in God. Believe Him. Believe His Word. Believe
what He says is true. We receive His promise when we believe Him.
Some people also
limit God by informing Him what they need and the way in which He needs to
provide it. They don't even see how demanding and irreverent they are with
prayers like “God I need that house. I can't live without that house.” You
wouldn't tell a doctor how to treat your illness, and inform him of each
procedure that you need. So why should anyone demand from God what he considers
his due or how it should be given to him? It is true that when we pray we need
to ask God for our needs. The Bible teaches us to be honest with him, and let
him know all our hurts and longings. But it doesn’t tell us to demand anything.
“We have not because we ask not” is according to His will. We also have not
sometimes, because we demand. Our God is God, and we even though he is our “abba
father”, He is also the Lord of all, and He is due our love and respect. We do
have the privilege to ask and to pour out our heart to Him. Our part is to ask
and believe. His part is to provide what He deems the best for us.
Another way we
limit God is by not feeling we are worthy. How many believers feel unworthy
because they feel guilty and condemned? They don't feel worthy to ask God for
anything. They truly believe that God wouldn't hear or answer their prayers
because of past sins. They end up limiting God because of feelings of
unworthiness. No one is perfect. We all fall short of God's perfection. But
Jesus paid the price for our sins. Our past is forgiven. Our sins are forgiven,
and we can approach our omnipotent God and forgiving God with a humble and
believing heart. We are worthy because He has made us righteous by His
“Lord, help us to
realize that can we come humbly and boldly before you with our requests. Lord,
help our unbelief. Help us to believe you are who you say you are, and we are
who you say we are. We can pour out our hearts to you, and know that you will
bring your promises forth in our lives. You are unlimited in your power. You are
everywhere with us. You know every thought that we have, yet we need to ask.
Asking makes it our sacrifice of praise. Lord, you answer our prayers in amazing
ways....ways that we never even think of. When we believe you, Lord, we trust
you. We look to you to take care of things that we are unable to take care of.
We ask for your help in all things we face. We ask humbly and yet boldly for big
things that honor you and your will our lives. Lord, help us not to limit you by
not believing or by demanding or by feeling unworthy. Help us to understand who
you are, and what we mean to you. Help us realize that such a loving God who
would give His life, never turns His back on the prayers of His child. Lord,
help us to never limit you again.”
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