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Wednesday, January 1, 2014

From Whispering Hope to Conquering Promise

He whispers hope to me when I am discouraged and defeated. He whispers hope of His abiding presence. He whispers hope through the lessons He teaches me. He whispers hope of strength that becomes mine as faith grows. He whispers hope of peace in any turmoil that arises. He whispers hope of joy that cannot be expressed in any words. He whispers hope of His conquering promise.
He will not fail me. I will not fail if I trust Him. I will receive His conquering heart and steadfast mind. My attitude must be that of a conqueror. I will stand, and having done everything, I will stand. I will conquer my foes, my fears, and my obstacles, because He is not just with me. He is in me, and He gives me the strength to rise to greater victories. I become more than a conqueror. I walk in newness of life and freedom from the past, from fears and circumstance. I walk above that which would destroy me. And in Him there is no failure. There is only victory.
His whispering hope has become my conquering promise.

Joshua 1:7; Ephesians 6:13; Romans 6:4; Romans 8:37-39

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