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Wednesday, April 19, 2017

His Best Work

“Because the Sovereign Lord helps me, I will not be disgraced. Therefore have I set my face like flint, and I know I will not be put to shame”  (Isaiah 50:7, NIV).

You are not alone in what He has called you to do. The very thing He asks may overwhelm you with its requirements, but His call is not meant to overwhelm you. His very purpose is to bring out His best in your surrender. Designed by His hand with intimate knowledge of every part of you, His call is His perfect way to mold your life for your greatest potential. Perhaps what He asks frightens you with its call for vulnerability. The thought of opening the most difficult part of your life for the sake of someone else brings fear of rejection—of abandonment. You are not abandoned in what He asks of you. You will not be disgraced. It is not His purpose to disgrace you, but to use you. Disgrace is felt when you do not understand your worth to Him. You are worth everything to Him. He has made you worthy by His sacrifice for you. So whatever lies ahead by following what He asks, set your face like a flint to do it. Be straight as an arrow in your purpose. Set your mind. Do not deter from His call, but step boldly forward in His Spirit knowing that in your obedience, you will not experience shame. You will know peace that comes from a surrendered will, and joy that rises from knowing He has used you. He has asked something that calls you far out of your comfort zone. Keep your eyes on Jesus who ran His race and never deterred from His calling. He carries you over each hurdle for His greatest glory. Run the race with your mind set like flint to His purpose. Look to Him. You will not be weary. You will run and not faint. When you move to the edge of yourself, do not hesitate. Step off into the vastness of what He asks, and you will soar to new heights in Him. Faithful is the Lord who calls you. In your surrender, He brings out His best work.

©2017 Lynn Lacher

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