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Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Out of the Well

Surrender is a daily need. If I believe that I have completely surrendered my will to the Lord in every area, I need to look again. Surrendering my control to His control comes when I have decided that my human attempts are worthless. Sometimes I find myself at the bottom of my own self-constructed well. I hear the enemy whispering “you will never get on top of this” and “you are a failure.” “My grace is sufficient for you,” God counters, “for my strength is made perfect in weakness” (2 Corinthians 12:9, NIV). I will never get on top of it in my own strength, but His strength is all I need. I will fail without God’s power. Those whispers of the enemy are true only if I don't surrender and allow God to make the changes in my life that need to be made.

When I am at the bottom the only way is up. I can either keep trying to climb out of that well by myself, or I can give up and reach for the hand God continually extends. It is in the dying to my will that He comes and brings new life. It might be possible for me to find a way out of that well in my own strength, but I will only end up at the bottom again. When I finally understand that nothing I attempt will make a lasting difference—when I give up control and allow Him to give me what I need for the daily battle, then His power comes to overcome my weakness. Not only will I climb out of my well. I will stay out of that well.

copyright 2017 Lynn H. Lacher

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