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Monday, April 3, 2017

His Strength

“But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles. They shall run and not be weary. They shall walk and not faint.” (Isaiah 40:31, NKJV).
What an incredible verse! What an encouraging promise! If I wait on the Lord, He will renew my strength. When I am tired and weary, I discover great hope in this promise. I get into all kinds of trouble when I attempt to hurry ahead of Him, and try to move mountains on my own. Nothing lasting can be accomplished in my own strength. In fact I can make a real mess of a situation if I don't wait on Him. His timing is perfect. Mine isn't. His thoughts and ways are perfect. Mine aren't. Waiting on the Lord is necessary for my spiritual growth. Patience is a quality that only He can cultivate when I surrender my will.
Anytime I run ahead of the Lord, I create a mess. Anytime I trust my own strength, I discover and even create problems that would have never happened if I had waited on God. However, when I seek the Lord for His strength and His guidance, I receive His power to either move or to wait or to receive. Instead of trying to mold my own life by not relinquishing control, I become an instrument of His purpose to be shaped by His Hand.
I need to spend time daily with the Lord praying, studying the Word, and listening for His voice to speak to my heart. No more do I wish to run ahead of Him. If I will continually seek Him and listen, I will know He walks by my side directing and steering my life. Whether I move or wait on Him, it will be in His strength. What He directs I will do with all my heart, and where He leads I will follow.

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