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Thursday, January 30, 2020

Grace Changes You


It is not who you are in life that is important to your kids. It is who you are when you are with them.
—Bill Snow

This quote is a very true statement about your relationship with your children. Think about who you are when you are with others. Your position in life is not important. It is what Jesus has done for you and your understanding of it, that is. Who you believe yourself to be is revealed in your relationships with others. Either you are healed and free in your relationships or bound up with pain you have fought to keep hidden. But when you know who you are in Jesus, you are free to love and forgive.

There are many Christians who have asked Jesus into their hearts but are not living in the freedom He bought them. They try to guard their hearts against their pain, and in their attempt, create more pain.

If you haven’t experienced the healing power of the Grace of Jesus in your life, then the Holy Spirit hasn’t had complete access. “Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom,” Paul wrote (2 Corinthians 3:17, NIV). When you drop the mask that Jesus died to remove and allow Him access, you receive His healing. His Grace frees you. You live that freedom and healing in your relationships. You don’t act out love and joy and peace and patience and kindness and goodness and faithfulness and gentleness and self-control. Jesus is each of these virtues in you. They flow from Him through you because you have nothing to hide and nothing to prove. You are free not to fix but just love as He has loved you. 

An abundant, joyful, forgiving, peaceful, unguarded, and healed life is your promise. When you allow the Grace of Jesus to transform you, this is who you are. You are His—and not just in name only but set free from fear and rejection and hurt and pain. When you are free, you pass along that freedom. His Grace is revealed in you and lived out in your relationships. The Holy Spirit is unstoppable in your life when you are free. 

The commandment Jesus gave His disciples the night before He died, reveals His Grace— to love as He has loved them.  Allow Him to love you in those areas that you have hidden. Allow Him to heal them. His Grace changes everything because His Grace changes you.

© 2020 Lynn Lacher

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