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Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Living by Faith

For we live by faith, not by sight.
—2 Corinthians 5:7 (NIV)

         My natural inclination is to have some doubt and be slightly pessimistic. However, when Jesus changed my heart, He imparted new spiritual eyes to see with His Spirit. And with those new eyes, He conveyed the ability to see what my natural mind has trouble recognizing and to believe in what my natural mind thinks is impossible.

         Living by faith and not by what I see with my natural eyes and reason with my logical mind, increases my ability to believe in what I normally never could. Exercising faith is something that I consciously render. When I consistently apply faith to circumstances in my life, I am changed and renewed in my mind. The Holy Spirit reveals what my natural mind could never understand—the miraculous depth and life-changing power of God’s truth and grace.

         My spiritual inclination is the opposite of my natural one. The spiritual mind sees the possibilities and opportunities and promises of God.  I might be hopeless in the natural, but as I choose to walk by faith in His Spirit, the mind of Christ replaces my logical mind. My attitude changes. Seeing a glass half full instead of half empty becomes my new norm.

         Jesus has a new norm for you—where fear no longer controls your life—where peace is consistent—where what you hear or see with your natural mind gives way to His spiritual mind. When you choose to walk by faith and to be transformed by His Spirit, your perception changes. You are changed in the spirit of your mind. You spiritually receive the revelation of His truth and grace. You have a new mind to believe what you once thought impossible. 

       “You live by believing and not by seeing” (2 Corinthians 5:7, NLT). 

© 2020 Lynn Lacher

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