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Thursday, January 16, 2020

Grasp His Passion

God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
—Romans 5:8 (NIV)

I am His passion. Jesus gave His highest for me. There is nothing more He could have given. His passionate love bought my freedom from sin and gave me the gift of His righteousness. He held nothing back. His passionate grace was costly. It cost Him everything, and even though His grace cost me nothing, that amazing grace calls me to love as He loves me.

Have I loved as passionately as He loves me? Have I burned with the forgiveness of His grace? Have I rendered His unconditional love instead of my own selfishness filled with expectations? Do I just want to “feel good” and never allow the Holy Spirit to refine me? Have I allowed my failures, problems, and even memory of sins that were crucified with Christ to hold me back? When I grasp His passion for me—what His grace has given me, I am overwhelmed with His love. There is nothing I want to deny Him. The passion of the Cross calls for my passion in return. And without hesitation I yearn to give it.

In 1 Kings 19:21, Elisha, having been chosen by Elijah, walks away from all he has had. He destroys what is left in his life that might draw him back from his call. He accepts the cloak and purpose of His Master without hesitation. Jesus calls me to walk away from the past that once defined me. I am no longer in bondage to it. He calls me let go of what has kept me from His calling without hesitation—to believe by faith in the miracle of His life for mine. With that surrender, I am not only guided by His Hand; I am fueled by His passion. He declared that I was His ultimate passion at the Cross, and with my “yes,” I am fulfilled. He is my passion.

Do you realize what His passion has given you? Surrender to His marvelous grace. Abandon who you have believed yourself to be. Believe who He says you are. Just as Elisha, give yourself to your Master. Hold nothing back. Surrendering to Christ is only costly when you do not grasp the cost of what He has given you. When you understand in the spirit of your mind the miracle of the Cross and the gift you have received, you want to hold nothing back. With your surrender comes the greatest fulfillment—the incredible realization that you were created for His very purpose.

Do you know who you are in Him? Do you yearn for Him to produce His best in your life? Do you want to receive all the gifts He has for you and to invest each gift wisely and passionately in the lives of people He brings into your life? 

While you were yet a sinner, He gave His life for you. You are free because He held nothing back for you. You yearn to hold nothing back when you grasp His passion for you. Your passion for Him is fueled by His passion for you. Be obedient to the faith He has poured into you. Give with the passion He has given you. Love as He first loved you. 

©2020 by Lynn Lacher

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