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Tuesday, January 7, 2020

I Chose You

If the Son sets you free, you are truly free.
—John 8:36 (NLT)

I chose you the moment I said yes to my Father’s will. I took your failures and your sins to the Cross. I was despised so you won’t have to feel despised. I was rejected so you won’t have to experience rejection. I gave my life so you can be free of fear. I died so you can live in peace and joy. I poured my overwhelming love on you. I held nothing back. You are free, and I long for you to know it.

Yes, you hurt. I know. I have tried to reach you. Why don’t you just let me have the emotional pain of your hurt? Do you find it comforting? Does it bring peace? There is a reason I said to forgive. You can’t have peace without it. Your pain has become your obsession. It has replaced the freedom I promise. You have nursed your hurt—stroked and fed it until you believe in its lie more than me. You are its captive, and it has jailed your heart. 

I chose you when I died for you. When you accepted me into your heart, I became one with your spirit. My righteousness became yours. My peace became yours. My joy became yours. But your soul has not grown to understand what you have received, so you have not lived in the promise of my abundant life.

I freely and without any expectation give you my love. My Grace meets every need. I want to take this burden from you, but your hurt keeps you from knowing that I am here. Let me love you more than you love your pain. Choose to believe me. Choose to forgive. Choose not to accept the lies of the enemy. Keep choosing again and again, throughout the long hours or days, to lay everything down on my altar. And that pain—that lie—which has held you captive will loosen its hold on you. Trust my Word for your life. Allow it to transform the way you think. To be convinced of my love, keep exercising faith.

You are free because of my Grace. I want you to believe it. I want you to live in it. Lay your burden down—again and again. Rest your mind. Breathe my peace. I place no demand on you. You are mine, and I will never forsake you. I will never leave you. I am here.

 © 2020 Lynn Lacher

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