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Thursday, January 23, 2020

Your Promise

When doubts filled my mind, your comfort gave me renewed hope and cheer.
—Psalm 94:19 (NLT)

The comfort of the Lord always gives renewed hope, and that hope brings joy to a tired and over-analyzing mind. Doubt can fill your mind so quickly, but when your thoughts avoid that doubt and are, instead, fixed on the promises of God, perfect peace guards your thoughts. Complete peace, the Word says—not a partial or tentative peace. 

The comfort of the Lord says, “All is well.” Do you believe it, or do you doubt it?  If you don't think that the Lord keeps all things well—no matter what you see or hear or experience—then all is not well in your mind. The result of that is fear fueled by doubt.

“You will keep in perfect peace,” Isaiah promises, “all who trust in you, all whose thoughts are fixed on you! Trust in the Lord always, for the Lord God is the eternal Rock” (Isaiah 26:3-4, NLT).

You don't trust in something that is not real. You trust in the Lord God, the eternal Rock. You believe in Jesus on whom your faith builds. You trust in the Holy Spirit that brings the Lord's comfort to your mind and always renews your hope.

You don’t battle your thoughts alone. The Lord is with you and has already won the war on the Cross. Give your thoughts to Jesus, and His peace will guard your mind. Dwell on things which are good and allow the Holy Spirit to build your faith. Choose to believe Jesus is who He says He is and who you are in the gift of His righteousness. Read and study His Word and allow it to transform your mind from your own to His. Not only will life not be as hard, but His comfort will continually give you renewed hope.

You have the mind of Christ. The human perspective will not keep you in the peace of God. The Lord has placed His eternity in your heart. You have the eternal Rock as your own. You have His promise to see with His eyes, hear with His ears, and have His understanding.  

Today is a new day. Today can be your promise.

© 2020 Lynn Lacher

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