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Monday, January 27, 2020

That Lie Must Die

Most assuredly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it produces much grain.
—John 12:24 (NKJV)

Jesus speaks in this Scripture, knowing His time is almost upon Him. His life—given in death for the sins of the world—will produce much grain—much fruit in the lives of believers. But that one grain must die; Jesus has to die for this miracle to happen. What is the miracle? Death is the lie. New Resurrected life in Him is the truth. 

How many of us allow a lie to hold us back from what Jesus wishes to produce in our lives? We latch on to the “I can’t” answer because of a lie we have believed. You might believe one of these lies: “You will never amount to anything.” “You will never be good enough.” "Jesus loves someone else more than He loves you." "Jesus doesn't have time for your problem." "You aren't forgiven. You have to work for it." "If you don't feel something, it is not real." And the enemy berates you and continually throws your lie in your face.

The lie you believe—just like a grain of wheat—must die for the Holy Spirit to set you free and live fully in you. When the lie, which has owned your life instead of Jesus, is finally rooted out, then the Holy Spirit—without any hindrance—produces fruit in your life. 

Susie Larson, in her new book, Fully Alive, writes: “What we rehearse we remember, and what we remember we live from. What core belief stands in the way of you flourishing?”

Ask yourself this question. Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to you what lie has held you back from flourishing in Jesus. What have you rehearsed over and over in your mind? Perhaps, something that was hammered into you as a child. Perhaps, something that was done to you years ago that keeps you from understanding His love for you.

What are you battling right now?  Susie also writes that the Holy Spirit spoke to her during her battle, “The storms reveal the lies we believe and the truths we need.”  Allow your storm to reveal your core lie. So His truth can kill it.

Do you realize Jesus sees you healed and whole and flourishing in Him? Until you believe what Jesus says about you, you will continually struggle to know who you are and what you have as a new person in Jesus. When you allow the Word to transform your mind and defeat the core lie that has stolen your freedom in Him, you will know who you are in Jesus.

The knowledge of His truth sets you free.  Allow your storm to reveal your lie and His truth that defeats it. When you know who you are in Jesus, the Holy Spirit freely flows and reaches beyond what you ever thought possible.

© 2020 Lynn Lacher

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