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Saturday, July 19, 2014

Cherish Him Most

“We fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal” (2 Corinthians 4:18, NIV).

The things I have in my life here on earth do not last. The car, the television, the new thing I had to havethey are all fleeting. They are for a moment in time, but sometimes I make them the most important elements of my life. If God has allowed them in my life, they are His gifts to either abuse or cherish. I abuse them when I make them the most important aspect of my life. They are cherished as God wishes when I love Him more.

I can get so wrapped up in what I believe is “mine”! All things belong to Himeven my relationships. When something doesn't work right, I frantically try to fix it. The Holy Spirit does not want me to be frantically controlled by anythingwhether a possession or a relationship. He wants me to be free to enjoy the gifts He has given. He wants me to know that I alone can't fix either one when there is a problem. When a possession does not control my life, He gives the wisdom to either take care of the problem without frustration or just let the problem go. When I realize that a problem in a relationships is not mine to solve without His help, then I see that friendship as the gift He has given. If I honor the importance of Him in that relationship, I follow His direction and guidance with whatever He asks me to dono matter how hard or difficult. Whether a possession or a relationship He has given, each one is to be cherished as a gift and not abused. Each belongs to Him, and not to me. If either one controls my life, I have frustration and unrest. If He controls, I have His peace no matter what problem arises. I cherish Him by allowing Him to have control. It is His place to bring peace.

As humans we have a tendency to focus on what can be seen, and not what can't be seen. However, the Word says that if I fix my mind on Him, I can have His perfect peace (Isaiah 26:3). He is the unseen. I can't see Him, but I know Him because He lives in my heart. What I have on earth, either possession or relationship, is for the number of days He has allowed them in my life. I will cherish each as God's gift. I will do my best to take care of that which He has entrusted to me, but I will do it with His guidance His power, and especially His grace.

His love is the only thing that lasts. I will treat His sacrificial love with the tenderness and greatest respect it deserves. I will hold fast to Him because He started His work in me. If I continually surrender my life to Him, He will complete it. I will run with perseverance the race He has marked out for me, fixing my eyes on Jesus, who perfects my faith. (Hebrews 12:1-2). My eyes see the unseen finish, and I cherish Him the most, knowing that all He bestows are His opportunities to perfect my life for eternity.

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