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Sunday, July 20, 2014

We Are Called

“Here I am, preaching and writing about things that are way over my head, the inexhaustible riches and generosity of Christ” (Ephesians 3:8, MSG).

When I read this verse in the Message this morning it took my breath away. This is exactly how I feel. That I am write about things that are way over my head....the things of God. Paul wrote those things that he received from the Holy Spirit, and those very verses inspire me to reach deeper for the inexhaustible riches of Jesus Christ.

It is frightening responsibility to write the mind of someone else. To try to represent appropriately and correctly the mind of our God is an awesome and humbling task. It is one that drives you to your knees and into His presence. You can't write truth about something or someone you don't know intimately. You certainly can't understand the spiritual depths of His Word unless you know Him and always seek Him.

I write devotionals. It is my calling. Some days I look at what is before me, and think “how did I get on this subject” or “why do these verses go together” or “why am I writing these thoughts in a certain sequence” or “will these thoughts ever make sense”..... only to have the Holy Spirit bring together what He wishes. Other days I just sit down and within minutes He has given me something that I realize I am incapable of doing without His enlightening presence. To know He has brought forth something that is beyond me, is not only humbling but incredibly rewarding.

Bill Snow often says, “if you have a pulse, you have a purpose.” I feel the pulse of His purpose driving me forward. It is the greatest know that the Savior who gave you life uses you in the purpose to which He has called you. It is the greatest fulfillment of life. What is your purpose? What has God called you to do and you have held back because of fear of failure? It is not your work. It is His. Your place is just to say yes. “The one who calls you is faithful, and he will do it” (I Thessalonians 5:24, NIV).

“God can do anything, you know—far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams! He does it not by pushing us around but by working within us, his Spirit deeply and gently within us” (Ephesians 3:20 MSG).

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