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Tuesday, August 28, 2018

The Only Work

Jesus told them, “This is the only work God wants from you: Believe in the one he has sent.”

Quit striving. Just believe. All things are possible when you believe. Peace and rest are real when you believe in His grace. Power and strength are yours when you believe. The only work He desires from you is to believe in His Son He has sent to die for your sins—to believe in the new life He has bought for you. When your work is born of the flesh, what you do will never be good enough in your own eyes. You not only judge others, but yourself. When born of this Spirit all things are possible, because your work is an outflowing of the loving grace He has wrought in your life. At Calvary He had mercy on you. While you were yet in sin, He, who was free from sin, took yours to the cross. There He paid your debt. There He set you free. When you accept Him as your Savior, He sees you through the love He gave for you. To Him you are righteous—blameless in His sight. You can never do enough to be good enough. The only work that He desires from you is for you to surrender your life and believe in the Savior He has sent. His grace is a free gift. Offered without hesitation to you, that gift cost Him everything. He believes you are worth it, or He wouldn’t have given His life. Allow His grace to change your life!  Allow His heart to become yours.

© 2018 Lynn Lacher

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