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Monday, June 8, 2020

No Greater Love

There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.
—John 15:13 (NLT)

Yesterday our pastor preached a message that inspired us to be available for others in the body of Christ. Since I am homebound I watched the service online. Before he even preached, I watched what was to be his message come alive on the television screen.

Laurie, my friend, asked to stand in for me for prayer. It touched my heart. Our pastor did something which surprised me with the social distancing that is practiced at church. He said if anyone wanted to join them in prayer and felt comfortable doing so, they were welcome to come. 

Prayer is private, and I haven’t known it to be shown on the live feed. The screen suddenly went to the “prayer of faith” message. For a few seconds, the screen changed, and I saw my brothers and sisters in Christ gathered at the front of the church. Had I seen that correctly? Then it went back to the message. And then I felt the presence of God so strongly. Peace washed over me, and I knew once more that He was confirming I would recover. 

I was praising Jesus for that message, when Beth, who takes the video, texted me a still shot of those at the altar praying for me. “No greater love,” I heard Him whisper, and His love, through each one praying, washed through me. Perhaps, those at the altar did not realize the extent of what they were doing and how it melted my heart. They gathered in prayer willing to risk themselves. It was Grace—pure Grace being poured out for me.

Those praying lived our pastor’s message before he even asked, “what are you doing with what God has given you?” They gave, and I received more than His message of healing. I received His love through their willingness to pray for me. I am humbled by their love and by His Grace. There is no greater love.

© 2020 Lynn Lacher

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