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Thursday, June 25, 2020

Only God

Lord, my heart is not proud;

    my eyes are not haughty.

I don’t concern myself with matters too great

    or too awesome for me to grasp.

Instead, I have calmed and quieted myself,

    like a weaned child who no longer cries for its mother’s milk.

Yes, like a weaned child is my soul within me.

O Israel, put your hope in the Lord—

    now and always.

—Psalm 131 (NLT)


This psalm speaks "peace" to me. I can't solve problems—either mine or the world's problems. Only God has answers. I have found my answer, and I pray that the world finds Him, too.


If I believed I could take care of any problem without God, I would be prideful. I would assume that I had a better answer than someone else and find myself in a competition to be right. I would have an opinion to prove and a point to make.


I am learning not to be concerned about matters that are out of my control. They only bring fear. I choose to trust God with the outcome of frustrating things. I give my worry to Him with praise in my heart that He shall take care of any problem—great or small.


Have I arrived at this perfect place of trust in God? No. I find it easier to trust Him in some things more than in others. My life of faith is a daily journey of surrender. As I grow in Him, it becomes easier to believe that all is well when He handles my life. I know without a doubt that He loves me.


I calm and quieten myself each day. I have weaned myself off the “milk” of my faith. The “meat” of His Word sustains and empowers my life. Without His Word, I would falter in fear and try to fix what is beyond my capability. But with His Word, I can hear His voice guiding me to speak or to be quiet—to act or not act. And when I speak or act with His bidding, I have His peace because it is not my responsibility to solve the problem. It is His.


The Holy Spirit reveals the Word of God!  I can trust in the Lord forever! I have nothing to prove. Only God has the answers. I can rest in His promise of peace. Jesus has overcome the world. Not me. 


©2020 Lynn Lacher

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