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Wednesday, June 24, 2020


But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint.

—Isaiah 40:31 (NLT)



This is a popular verse. It has been taken apart and put back together again. It has been analyzed spiritually and taken literally. But its message is everlasting. Its promise is real.


If you are tired and weary, perhaps you need to ask yourself how much you trust God. Do you trust Him with your life?  Do you believe He will take care of you at all costs?  If you trust Him, you gain new strength.  And that strength isn't yours. It's His.


You can't make yourself soar. But trusting God can give you His strength to rise above any fear—above circumstances—above despair. With God's strength, you will run and not grow tired. You will walk and not faint.


Where are you right now? Do you have a faith deficit? Do you fail in believing for what you can’t see or hear?  You first believed in Christ by faith. But you can’t stop there. Faith grows when you allow the Holy Spirit to change the way you think. You choose to study God's Word and pray. You decide to believe in what you can't see or hear, and the Holy Spirit transforms your mind. Faith comes by hearing the Word of God. Trust in God builds.


Do you wish to soar instead of living in fear?  Are you hungry for God's strength? Your mind waits to be renewed by His Spirit. Put on the new nature Christ died to give you. You have the mind of Christ. Let the Holy Spirit use the Word to transform your mind to His mind. Your thoughts then become His. You see with His eyes, hear with His ears, and have His understanding.


Believe who Jesus says you are, and you trust Him. You soar above any circumstance. Fear doesn't claim you because you have the mind of Christ. You see, hear, and believe. Life doesn't weary you. You walk in His strength without hesitation. You understand that Jesus, who gave you new life, takes care of His sheep. 


©2020 Lynn Lacher



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