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Thursday, August 13, 2020

Purchased for Me

My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.

—Hosea 4:6 (NKJV)



God’s people perish every day from a lack of knowledge in the finished work of Jesus Christ. Jesus died to save and heal, but if His people don’t know and believe God’s Truth, it makes little difference. When a person struggles to receive something he unknowingly has, he gets frustrated. He begs God to do give him something that God has already provided. He doesn’t realize what Jesus has accomplished for him on Calvary.


We don't have to beg God for what He has given in Jesus Christ. Jesus saves not only those who are lost (Matthew 18:11). He also restores those He saves (Isaiah 53:5). His restoration is the ultimate healing of spirit, soul (mind), and body. 


We live far below what Jesus died to give us. That is why understanding the relationship we have with Jesus is critical. In learning our relationship with Him, we start to realize the healing Jesus purchased for us with His life (1 Peter 2:24). Instead of accepting illness, we begin to trust the truth of God’s Word and see ourselves in good health He desires for us (3 John 2). Instead of focusing on what we are experiencing in our bodies, we focus on the Word and His Truth. Finally, moving away from continually thinking about our illnesses, we let God’s Word minister to us. 


The Word says that we are healed by the wounds Jesus took for our sins (Isaiah 53:5). Jesus died so we can experience healing in spirit, soul, and body. By faith, we believe God’s Word is true. But our faith doesn’t move God. It moves us. Faith receives what grace has already provided. God doesn’t need any convincing. But we need convincing of what He has done for us on the Cross.


Have you ever prayed to be healed and experienced nothing? Perhaps you asked what you have done wrong. Christ’s salvation healed you of sin and fear and guilt and shame and rejection and illness. His atonement made you WHOLE. Quit living in fear of sickness or why you haven't experienced healing. Start digesting the Word. The Word is powerful and changes you. Allow His Truth to teach and transform what you believe into what He says is true. Apply your faith to God's Word. Speak His Word. And what you received in your born-again spirit when you were saved will manifest in your mind and body one day.


Satan doesn't want you to know who you are in Jesus. He doesn't want you to believe God's Truth. He wants to keep you confused and afraid. And He will try to convince you that Jesus doesn't love you enough to heal you. Satan knows once you believe the Word, he will not be able to touch you.


“So the Word became human and made his home among us. He was full of unfailing love and faithfulness. And we have seen his glory, the glory of the Father’s one and only Son. (John 1:14, NLT). “And of His fullness we have all received, and grace for grace” (John 1:16 NKJV). 


The Word became Jesus. Filled with love and faithfulness, Jesus willingly took our sins to the Cross. There He redeemed and healed us—spirit, soul, and body. We have seen His magnificent glory. Do we realize we have received of His incredible abundance? 


Grace is the unmerited favor of Jesus to save us. But it is also God's supernatural ability to do for us what we can't do for ourselves. It is the fullness of the Gospel penetrating and changing us with God’s Truth. The richness of God’s glory became ours in Jesus. We have received His grace—always flowing—never stopping—never withheld. 


Healing is not about us. Healing is all about the love of Jesus for us. The lack of knowledge of the Word—the lack of understanding of our relationship to Jesus—keeps us from the healing of spirit, soul, and body.


I’m on a journey to receive what Jesus has purchased for me. Would you like to be on one, too?


©2020 Lynn Lacher



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