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Monday, August 10, 2020

Real Love

This is real love—not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as a sacrifice to take away our sins.

 —I John 4:10 (NLT)



         Real love is not about how much I love God. Real love reveals how much God loved me. He sent His only Son to die for my sins so that I might be free from the condemning guilt of my old life. That past life is over because of Christ. My new life has risen with Him from death.


         “We know how much God loves us, and we have put our trust in his love” (I John 4:16a, NLT).          


         Because of God’s amazing gift of His Son's life, I yearn to grasp how deep that love grows in me. Without any thought or worry, I ache to trust Christ's love and rest in His peace. I want to believe without any hesitation in the life-changing freedom His grace won for me.   


         Resting in God’s peace comes from experiencing a divine revelation of Jesus’ redeeming love for me. It comes from realizing how His love changes who I am. When I understand how His love transforms my life, I know what His death and resurrection have given me. I am no longer in bondage to the lies of who I used to be. That old person has died. I am forgiven and filled with His righteousness instead of my unworthiness. His real love consumes me. I melt in His peace. 


         Are you tired of dealing with lies that arise from a limited understanding of His love for you? Are you exhausted from wrestling with the symptoms of fear and rejection—hurt and unforgiveness—guilt and shame? These are all symptoms of an underlying issue—not knowing who you are in Jesus. If you want to melt in His peace in each moment, learn who Jesus says you are. Recognize and accept the holiness of character that He died to give you. Allow His character to shape yours. Quit treating the symptoms from your old life. Be healed by knowledge of your new relationship in Jesus. Be transformed by the fullness of His grace.


         Your life—once shattered—is now clean and whole. Your life—once empty—is now full of His peace and joy. It is time to stop struggling with symptoms that are no longer real. You become devastated when you try. Now is the time to seek and pray for the whole truth of your new life. Get to know the real you in Jesus. 


         “Be still and know I am God,” the Holy Spirit whispers (Psalm 46:10). “I am your protector—your power—your peace” (Psalm 46). Your old life is not who you are. Trust the new life He unfolds before you, and melt in His peace.


©2020 Lynn Lacher

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