The Lord chose David, a shepherd
boy, to be King. God referred to David as a man after His own heart. And then the
man after God’s own heart committed adultery and murder. Has it ever bothered
you that God would choose someone capable of such horrid sin? I don’t know why it should. He chose you in
your brokenness and sin to be His son or daughter—to love you with an
everlasting love. If you identify with Uriah, identify with Uriah’s love for
the one who betrayed him. Uriah loved his master enough to deny his own feelings,
and honor his master instead of laying with his wife. Jesus loved His Father
enough to deny His own feelings, and honor Him by laying down His own life.
The people God chooses for His
purpose are broken just like you and me. We will always have trouble recognizing
what God sees in another person’s heart until we are forgiven for the sin that
resides in our own. “Humans do not see what I see,” the Lord told
Samuel, “for humans see what is visible, but I see the heart” (1
Samuel 16:7).
Without reserve and honoring His
Father, Jesus denied His own feelings and lay down His life so you can
experience forgiveness and also forgive. As long as you stand in judgment, you
will never know the love that looks beyond your broken life and loves you
anyway. It is not your place to judge David or anyone else’s heart. It is time
for you to realize what God has for your own.
©2017 Lynn Lacher
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